Latest Thollon News

Winter 2024/25

The program for the last weekend of the season’s closing celebrations starts on Friday 28th March 2025  with Mike Noyce playing a set of Pub acoustic classics at Le Carnotzet 19:30h

Mike Carnotzet 28 3 25 Carnotzet logo March 25

DJ sets Saturday 29, Sunday 30 March A collaboration between Tibetan and Carnotzet Restaurant Bars Saturday: 16h after ski aperitif outside with DJ Wadam outdoor bar

Tibetan closing 

The final ESF torch run of the season, Saturday 29th March.


Saturday Bar L'Ourson Soiree Beignets Booking Required

Ourson Beignets

Sunday March 30 - Cot'ing des Balcons du Lac Top of the Mountain. Get your costume ready, Superheroes and Villains and head to Balcons Du Lac party.


The ski race at 10.00

Ski race

Les Balcons du Lac Culinary market: giant raclette stand, giant barbecue, scaled stand, dessert stand, Champagne Bar by Deutz Cocktail bar Entertainment by: DJ Wadam, DJ Marc Lehmann and the Black Velvet band! .............As the Telecabine closes head to the Bars……….

Sunday: Tibetan and Carnotzet Restaurant Bars 4pm after ski aperitif with DJ Malcolm Mix outdoor bar, barbecue, burger, tartiflette, brasero, hot dog, pizzas, pulled pork.... 22.00 DJ Marc Lemhan

Superheroes and Villains to Party

Sunday Bar l’Ourson 17.00 Giant BBQ (Booking Required) DJ party OXYGENE SONO All subject to change and weather!

Ourson closing


Training in Thollon March 2025

ESF and Nigel from the British Masters.

 Training ESF BMTraining ESF BM 3

Training ESF BM 4Training ESF BM2

The Christmas New Year period was very busy and succesful

car park Jan 25 30 12 24 lift return Torch light Jan 2025


The station continues with some good if hard packed skiing. For what slopes are open see the link “Plan Thollon Alpin” on thie welcome page. The sun is presently out on Tues 21st, and we have hopefully a top up of snow in the next few days. Picture below

Station 21 1 2025

There are several links on the front page of to the various organisations with details of events during the season.

Mayor meeting 2025

On the 19th January the Mayor gave his annual speech, a summary is below.

With thanks to FB. The Mayor welcomed everyone and thanked them for the large turnout (+/- 300)

He then introduced the Mayors of some of the surrounding areas and the Council representatives of Thollon. He welcomed all newcomers to the village. There had been 13 mariages this year and he then sent his commiserations to the families that had lost members during the year.

The new restaurant was officially inaugurated last year as it hadn’t been possible due to Covid. Projects: The village has spent €500k on improvements to the school an outside play area and green areas for the children The village has bought the Centre de Vacances in La Joux (previously owned by a French Bank) for €1.2m. This will be run for the village by an agent. They have received 5 offers from Agents which are being considered. A new school cantine is going to be built ( opening for the school year 2026-27). When this is complete the Mairie will move to the old cantine while renovations to actual Mairi take place.

All the street lighting in the village will be changed next year (10km)

A second doctor will start in the village who will also do X rays and simple surgical procedures (stitches etc). He said will be housed in a large house that he said everybody knows though he didn’t say where?

He is very happy that the Boulangerie has re-opened. (I can recommend the bacon and cheese loaf!)

The Yeti estate agent has been taken over.

The station is becoming more well known and although Bernex is no longer on the local ski pass. The magic pass has been very successful. 197,000 have been sold this season! I hope they don’t all come to Thollon on the same day ;-).

The mayor said small stations couldn’t stand alone and initiatives like this really helped. Thollon's ski turnover last year was €2m!! He thanked all the clubs and associations in Thollon and the staff that worked for the Mairie He then wished everyone a Happy New Year and invited everyone to partake in a drop of fizz and cake

Thanks to FB


Picture 3rd January 2025

Mountain 3 1 2025

Great early opening last weekend, reports from the piste’s…..great skiing. Full opening next weekend. Saturday 21st December 2024.

slope 14 12 24 2 slope 14 12 2024

Restaurants and Bars are all open

Ourson logo 470193326 1098971625263519 4379994820568628172 n  BTibetan open 

 Tibetan logo2XV logoCarnotzet logo

The boulangerie re-opened in the village so do support it to keep it open.


December 24 The fantastic Le Fabuleux Village des Flotins in Evian has opened.

 Screenshot 20241213 121406 Facebook

November 2024

With the opening date of the 21st December for the Telecabine now set and the first snow fall, Thollon will start to wake from its “off season” slumbers with Restaurants and Bars re-opening.


Arnaud has opened with a new menu, opening times on and details of Beaujolais Nouveau celebration.

Ourson logo jpgStéphanie is back at Bar L’Ourson with a promise of a special welcome and may be a new beer to delight our Irish friends when she opens.

Tibetan will open its doors on Friday, December 6 in the evening and will be open every day except Tuesday and Wednesday until Christmas holidays.

Tibetan 11 24jpg 

 First snow.

Snow 13 11 2024

NEW : Whats on the Mairie Thollon Facebook now publishes the latest events. as well as the Tourist Office Facebook page
Concerts, weekly list of animations, markets, walks, Fondue, torch descent and more.
Tourist logo. jpg 


July 2024 The summer season has started.

Restauarants are open the Telecabine is running each day.... latest news best to go to their Facebook pages, links above and on Restaurant page. The Cinema is open with English films (VOST) for its summer season updates on weekly screenings on the Facebook page.   Weekly Market at the Church in Thollon July and August with music. Village Fete 3rd and 4th August

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New July 2024 For sale Bayliner E5 and 2 Sofa's  go to Items for Sale

Boat Pic sofa for sale

Winter 2023/24 1st April 2024 The resort has now closed

The last few days of the season had some sking  on the main tracks, with Les Fees superb.

Le Fees

Ski season Closing 1 and 2, was set for Sunday 31st March and Monday 1st April at Les Balcons du Lac.

The weather on the Sunday was superb with a great DJ set and a party atmosphere, with the party continuing at Le Carnotzet and Tibetan.

Monday the mist and rain/snow came in and all was abandoned. 

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The last Sunday of the ski season brought fun and costumes. We have had over the years many themes, Come Dancing on Snow, Where’s Wally and of course Peaky Blinders and more.

This year’s theme was well …..anything goes as long as the name begins with ‘T’ as in ‘T’hollon.

Group closing tibetan WhatsApp Image 2024 03 31 at 13.56.13 fa5c3753

8th February 2024

winter festival 2024

The station has been very busy at weekends. The sun comes out and the pistes are in good condition, but well used…… lots of visitors flocking to try the “Quiet” slopes! **

There is a lot of good work going on to keep the slopes going and with temperatures expected to fall after the recent unseasonal warm weather throughout the Alps we hope to see the snow canons on and maybe some real snow. It’s needed as we are now in the holiday season.

There are special offers that will keep the resort busy, and Balcons Du Lac continues to run balcony music and food in the sun.

**Le Figaro reported in December on Thollon:- “Attractive prices and slopes for yourself: here is one of the most underrated ski resorts in France. LeFigaro

Photos mid Jan 2024.

 Car park Jan 2024 Jan 24 pistes

22nd January 2024

Mayor 2024


The 3rd Sunday in January and as per usual Regis Bened gave his review of the 2023 and what would happen in 2024. He first of all introduced the local council, there were mayors and dignitaries from surrounding areas and the Haute Savoie sous préfet in attendance. He then paid homage to his recently deceased father and thanked everyone for their messages of condolence.

Thollon now has 900 permanent inhabitants and there are many more 2nd homes. 2023 was a year of preparation with the school playground surrounding pavements and the school’s canteen all being planned and work will be completed this year and next. There are now 11 people who work for the village. 5 of which started this year. He thanked them for their support and hard work. He also thanked the locals clubs and associations and all the business owners including new ones. He was ‘hopeful’ that the bakery situation would be resolved soon.

The Station

He explained that the electricity bill had increased from €150k to €385k which meant the community reserves had been called into use and the station was run at a slight loss. It is to this end that the decision was made to no longer use the snow canons or to piste Les Lanches ( the front). He said there would be a discussion whether to choose between the front run and the Vieilles Cases but he thought he knew what the choice would be. This apparently will be discussed but he didn’t say what form this discussion would be or when. He did say that there’d be a announcement about the skiing in March but he didn’t elaborate and I asked a few of the locals after the meeting if anyone had any idea what it would be and no one had any idea.

Unlike the early meetings there were no questions allowed, so we’ll have to wait and see. I couldn’t tell if it was good or bad and he may have been referring to the front run back run decision but it wasn’t clear. He is now President it the Intercommunal Tourist Association for the Pays d’Evian and the Vallée d’Abondance. Apparently this title is too long and it’s been renamed Léman Mountain Explore.  or something like that).

He then talked about the fact that it was in English and seen as ‘modem’. Whether he was pleased or disappointed was hard to tell. Resigned to it probably reflected his feelings.

He then wished everyone a happy and healthy New Year and everyone got down to the fizzy stuff and the Galette du Roi (cake)

 Thanks to FB for this report.

12th January 2024

Jan 24 pistes









Jan 24 bambi

Jan 24 Gully

The Christmas and New year has seen some excellent powder skiing in Thollon with the resort getting the best of the local snow. Even some sun at times. At the moment the sun is out and following a good dump of snow on Tuesday (9th Jan) we have excellent conditions.

The village has been in a cold fog but the sun has been out up top giving great skiing, a man who knows, and with the GB Masters ski team commented, it’s the best he has seen in 20 years. Looking forward to some sun and excellent pistes over the next week or so.

So good to see all the bars working hard to look after us, and great to see Bar L’Ourson open with Marine serving a great Biere Noel.


December 2023

pistes 12 23 2jpg

The season has started with the snow arriving and the station opening 16/17 December for a “pre opening weekend”

Details of the new season can be found by following the links on the front page of

 Ourson open 12 23 Marine L Ourson

Bars and restaurants are open including Bar L’Ourson under the new Manager Marine. We look forward to meeting her and enjoying the “village” atmosphere of this Bar which has seen many changes over the years.

Flotins 23 24Flotins 23 24 2

The Flottins Village has opened in Evian. Those of you heading out for the Christmas and New Year and the opening of the ski season we will all hope and look forward to great snow and good conditions for the holidays.

Cinema 4 1 24   To be shown Thursday 4th January 2024 20.30 hrs, VOST, English with French subtitles.


 Sunday 20th August 2023 Football

Foot trophy  Football 1

In the searing heat of Thollon the annual football match was held in great humour and pageantry.

A large and raucous crowd cheered on the display and some of the fouls. Beer and wine flowed, and with the pitch size reduced, the 9 a side had a very competitive game of 4 quarters with breaks due to the heat.

Football 2

It ebbed and flowed but for the first time England went ahead and despite a French rally England stayed ahead to win 10 -6.

Football 3 jpg score final  

Martins report:- I would like to thank Frank Brady for the years he has committed to the Thollon football game. Certainly without him this wouldn’t have been possible from the English side at least.

Frank has sadly decided to step down now and the baton is being passed over to Gary Hill manager and Sam Bounford as player coach and captain. This would never have been made possible without Matthieu Bianco and indeed Michelle from the Belle Vue hotel.

I personally would like to thank Steve Nunney from Morzine and the quality players he bought along which helped secure the win this year.

From a Thollon standpoint I would like add that any holiday makers who come here that would like to participate in the football next year please make yourselves known to me (Martin) on 00447734855353 I would of course like to involve as many of our fellow Thollon holiday makers as possible as ultimately this is a great way of all of us coming together and meeting our fellow hosts, Matthieu indeed being one of the ESF ski instructors.

Football 3 Football 5

This was a great achievement and thank you to all the players that helped secure the result and indeed gave Frank the best result possible for his last game I will of course be organising the possible dates for next year and this is likely to be the end of July beginning of August at this point

Football 6 Frank

 Martin and Frank


Sunday  20th August 16h Football and Petanque

Playing field by the Thollon Church.
Thanks for the latest football players to come forward.
The football will be followed by a friendly Petanque game, France v England…

Could this be the hardest challenge so far? The Bar will be open and will be needed. All welcome to play or to cheer the brave.


August 2023: Football players required. Ability: Can kick a ball. Contact Martin by text on +447734855353 or email

The annual football match takes place on the 20th August. France is putting the trophy up for the winner after there 7-4 victory last year.

A great fun event contact Martin to play or come along and watch what will be a great event.




Bar L'Ourson has re-opened. Details to follow. A "Pre Opening" Paella evening with crepes 12 August

Ourson bear   Ourson pre opening


July 2023: Bar LOurson has closed and is for sale. Lets hope for a new owner opening again soon.

The Summer Season 2023 is now open, restauarants are open and the visitors arrive.

.Paul B' arrived earlier this year and provides a review:-

As a veteran of 25 Thollon summers, this year we have arrived earlier than usual so have observed the village pre-summer slumber mode, and now opening up for the season from 1st July. The telecabine now operates every day, together with the café and restaurant at the top (booking and large wallet recommended for the latter, but the experience is spectacular!).

The Evian bus is also now daily, and a bargain at €2 return, especially as this includes a scenic tour..the route is rather circuitous.

So far we’ve only sampled L’Outa, which is it’s usual excellent self. One tip though is to book, as the owners have reduced the number of tables in use. Subject to final confirmation from the Tourist Office, the Fête Nationale parade and celebrations appear on the band schedule for Thursday 13 July evening.

For regulars, everything else appears to be as usual. Further afield, the beach at Tourronde is having an upgrade with new access paths and two new bridges over the stream (though work was still in progress a few days ago). For a very good beach experience, go to St. Gingolph (F) which has free parking, various food outlets, and good swimming. Evian was very busy last weekend, with all the lakeshore facilities in operation. Thollon still delivers a great summer mountain holiday - which is why we’ve been coming for 25 years!

Thanks to Paul B for this great contribution.

End of season

End of season March 2023

The weather tried its best to spoil the end of season party, but it failed!

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We even thought we would be locked on the mountain as the telecabine stopped due to high winds.

Kevin and Thibaut, Les Balcons Du Lac put on a great party, and as usual the Brits and friends put on a great display of Strictly Coming Skiing, ...............well we would have skied if the weather had allowed….

end 2023

We even managed the end of season photo when the sun came out. We then came down the mountain to continue the party at Tibetan and Carnotzet.

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            ⭐⭐There had to be a change of program for the last day of the season Sunday, March 26th ⭐⭐

Les Balcons du Lac. Due to the weather conditions there was a smaller edition this year. Food inside, cocktail bar, champagne bar,and  wine tasting.

The party at 16.00 that was organised outside of Le Carnotzet and Tibetan is cancelled. Food and DJ sets will continue inside.

With the closure of the 2022- 23 ski season in Thollon we plan to celebrate in style

The end of season parties……

Friday March 24th 21.30 Le Carnotzet Saint Patrick's evening a few days late with Jigsaw Celtic lads

Great party evening.......... great band


Sunday 26th March The last day. The big party. Fancy Dress theme, come ready to impress.... The race cancelled due to weather!

 slalom 2326 mars 23 n

Every year, for the last day of the ski season there's a fancy dress theme.

This year’s fancy dress theme is Strictly Come SKIING, it’s all about the sequins and the bling!

come dancing WhatsApp Image 2023 03 26 at 12.32.42 end 2023 6

As the afternoon ends we take the telecabine for the last time this season, and head to the bars

Last years party picture below:- But the weather forecast has meant the cancellation of the outside parties.

We head inside to celebrate.

Carnotzet 21 22 party

We have had in previous years Wheres Wally,  British Country Gentlemen, Tweed Day, Peaky Blinders, Horseying Around, and Cones.

Peaky top

Wheres Wally

Horses in snow

The weather tried its best to spoil the end of season party, but it failed! We even thought we would be locked on the mountain as the telecabine stopped due to high winds. Kevin and Thibaut put on a great party, and as usual the Brits and friends put on a great display of Strictly Coming Skiing, well we would have skied if the weather had allowed…. We even managed the end of season photo when the sun came out. We then came down the mountain to continue the party at Tibetan and Carnotzet.

⭐⭐Change of program for the last day of the season Sunday, March 26th ⭐⭐

Les Balcons du Lac. Due to the weather conditions we will be organizing a smaller edition this year. The weather forecast is not looking good lets hope its wrong....Giant Savoyard Pot - Giant Raclette, cocktail bar, champagne bar, wine tasting, accordion.

The party at 16.00 that was organised outside of Le Carnotzet and Tibetan is cancelled. Food and DJ sets will continue inside.

March 2023 As the season comes to an end we prepare for the final weekend of fun. Preparations are underway costumes being prepared 

Top hat jpg 2come dance 2

With the closure of the 2022- 23 ski season in Thollon we plan to celebrate in style

The end of season parties……this is what we know so far.

Saturday March 18th Le Carnotzet DJ set with DJ Droz (skateboard legend) Funk hip hop style

Friday March 24th 21.30 Le Carnotzet Saint Patrick's evening a few days late with Jigsaw Celtic lads

Sunday 26th March The last day. The big party. Fancy Dress theme, come ready to impress.

 slalom 23

The day starts with the famous ski race with teams of three competing. will enter its usual well honed team (weather permitting!) with a promise to do better. The boarder this time will try not to take out sections of the course…..

Celebrate at Balcons du Lac....see note above!
26 mars 23 n

Every year, for the last day of the ski season there's a fancy dress theme.

This year’s fancy dress theme is Strictly Come SKIING, it’s all about the sequins and the bling!

come dancing

As the afternoon ends we take the telecabine for the last time this season, and head to the bars

Last years party picture below:- But the weather forecast has meant the cancellation of the outside parties.

We head inside to celebrate.

Carnotzet 21 22 party

We have had in previous years Wheres Wally,  British Country Gentlemen, Tweed Day, Peaky Blinders, Horseying Around, and Cones.

Peaky top

Wheres Wally

Horses in snow

NEW : Whats on the Mairie Thollon Facebook now publishes the latest events. Concerts, weekly list of animations, markets, walks, Fondue, torch descent and more.

The 2023 Evian to Thollon Bus time tables can be found here.

Page 1 : Timetable for buses operating on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays until 3/02 and from 7/03 to 26/03/2023 inclusive

Page 2 : Timetable for buses operating every day from 4/02 to 6/03/2023 inclusive

25 January 2023

Report on Thollon Mayor’s Speech 22/01/2023

With Thanks to FB for attending and writing this report.

For the first time in 3 years the Mayor Regis Bened gave his annual speech about activities in Thollon over the past 12 months. He thanked all those who’d enquired about his health and said he was now fine and back working again. He thanked all the staff past and present who were working with him in the Mayors office and the technicians who keep the village running

There was a video presentation of how the new restaurant had been constructed and he thanked Kevin and Thibault for all their help. He said he was glad they’d continued with the project during COVID as construction costs were now up by 30% which would have added €1.5m to the costs. He then commented on the New Parish Hall and the renovations that were being done to the Town Hall (Mairie) and to the Cemetery.

The Ski resort has from 2012-2022 received a total investment of 18 million € which for a small village was a considerable sum. Some money had come from the state, the region and the Dept He was very grateful for their assistance.

The present economic situation has had an impact on the running of the pistes. The normal annual electricity contract he signs with the EDF is for €160k, this year’s contract was for €720k which is an enormous increase, so economies had to be made. The Lanches piste (The Front piste back to the village) will no longer be pisted or covered by snow cannons. It will remain open as an off piste run and will still be served by the rescue services. How long this will be the situation on the Lanches he didn’t say.

He then thanked Vincent Diez for his years of service on the pistes, he has had to retire for health reasons The Tourist Office is still under the control of the Community of Communes though it is allowed to put on its own attractions.

23 January 2023

The snow is back, its cold with some sun and mist at times.

23Jan2023 2


 January 2023  Joe and his family live in Thollon so get fit and support a local business.


THIS MAY 2023. IN EVIAN LES BAINS- THE SWIMMING POOL THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER SEASON! An incredible Fitness and Coaching space of 160m2!
PERSONAL COACHING in small groups (4 people max) - GROUP TRAINING (max 10) - BIKING (revolution) /HIIT/ CIRCUITS/ STRETCHING / YOGA (by the lake)
NEED NUTRITIONAL ADVICE? OUR OWN NUTRITION EXPERT CAN HELP YOU! We will also be in partnership with the restaurant ( Basecamp Poke bowls and smoothies will be on offer😊

What’s also great is that if you get a season pass or monthly subscription with BASECAMP you get a discount on the entrance to the pool! An INCREDIBLE place to come and train, make friends, build a community and of course see and feel the results 🙂

Our BASECAMP FITNESS POD is dedicated to YOU. You will always be coached and our coaches will ensure that you get the most out of each session! Fitness classes outdoors in the sun, by the lake with a view of the Dent D’oche. Not bad ;)


Visit our site and join our waiting list JOE from TEAM BASECAMP

Basecamp 2023

10th January 2023 Snow arrived😁. Latest on ESF Thollon Facebook  Slopes Opening

29th December 2022

Skiers in Thollon have been disappointed as rain has closed the slopes over Christmas and New Year. Half of French ski resorts are closed with the unseasonaly mild temperatures. There have been some who have used Thollon as a base and travelled to higher resort such as Verbier, which is open but very expensive! Lets hope for colder weather and snow in the coming weeks.

29th December 2022.

29122022 v2gif

Scroll down for a history/blog for Thollon since the web site opened

August 2022 Party time for the Brits at Carnotzet

Carnotzet 2022  Carno aug22 2 2

 23 August 2022 Lindsay's match report for the game on the 21st August.... a great read!

Football lineup

They came, they saw, they…. August 2022 Mais, qu’est-ce qu’ils font? Ils sont fous ces anglais …. Zut alors! The rumour ran through the village, but could it be true? A curtain twitched and a lonely cow bell tolled in the distance.

From the dimly lit recesses of the Carnotzet a man stepped forward and threw down the gauntlet…. a rematch of the epic French-English International football game played in June. (Let’s not mention the score back then… oh OK then, we can whisper it… it was 7-4 to the French). With a raised eyebrow and a gallic shrug, the latest challenge was accepted by the athletic and supremely fit Matt Bianco. Yes, the writing was on the wall already.

martinMartin Matt

A confident Martin ‘the Rock’ Ball gathered his men, an eclectic mix of key players from the earlier game and a fleet of young players keen to win their first international caps. ‘What.. no boots? ‘No problem, just play in your sliders, has your dad got his slippers with him’?

The smell of embrocation, the twang of elastic, the squeak of leather, and as the sun began to sink on summer, the boys strode onto the pitch. It was game on! After 15 weeks of hurt, football had come home to Thollon again… and the crowd loved it.

England, playing in red, were quickly on the attack, however despite sustained pressure the French defence stood firm. A sudden break away from the boys in blue (France) was only repelled by a world class double save from Martin after ten minutes. The alarm bells were ringing.

Football action

Then, a renewed attack from the agile French team saw the first goal after 15 minutes but showing impressive fighting spirit England levelled the score just a few minutes later. Moving up a gear ‘Les Bleues’ came back with two more goals scored in rapid succession to lead 3-1. With Martin ‘Megaphone’ Ball steering his team from the net, there were several opportunities for follow up goals, and many players came close. Then young English player Max broke away in midfield and effortlessly slotted away a tidy shot to make the score 3-2. The crowd went wild. Could it be true? After all this time? Er…no. It’s never good to poke the bear.

France netted another goal and despite Charlie scoring from a corner just before the whistle, the score at half-time was 4-2. A stirring team talk from ex-Manchester ‘player’, Dave Whipp, revived flagging spirits and the team charged back onto the field with heads held high for an energetic second half. Was a stunning comeback on the cards?

Football team talk

Things looked promising as two spectacular goals scored by Woody Whipp in the second half raised the bar once again. As luck (or careful planning?) would have it Woody narrowly missed a hat trick and having to buy the obligatory round of drinks in the bar afterwards. The last English goal of the game came from youngster Leo Ball, a fine strike giving the keeper no chance.

The final score of 10-6 doesn’t reflect the effort and commitment brought to this game by every single player on the pitch. The French are a class team, they’re fit, fast and accurate. Despite a fine brace of goals each for Max and Woody, the Man of the Match has to be awarded to the Youth Academy graduate, Gary ‘the Fish’ Hill. A shining example of what a good Scottish diet and intensive training in the Saint Nicholas can produce.


A shout out of course to the indefatigable referee, Frank Brady, who kept an even-handed control of the game despite the wooden leg. Were we rash to challenge the host nation again, so soon? No not at all! We’re still dreaming. With Martin Ball at the helm, the skill and experience of players like Steve Nunny, Dave Whipp and Gary Hill plus a raft of eager youngsters, the French should be worried, very worried.

Because next time ……


Sunday 21st August 2022. Thollon Football Ground. Another chance to see the England team play France in Thollon. New line up special guest appearances, so not to be missed. A very narrow victory by the French in June this year is set to be reversed. June report below. Kick Off 4pm

Wednesday 24th August 2022 Le Carnozet 5pm   

Mike Noyce Acoustic Pub Classics

Michael carnotzet 2          Le_Carnozet.jpg

Thollon fete 2022

 27th March 2022. What a great last day. “The Closing” started at 10.00 with the infamous ski race. There were of course the real competitors who showed the rest of us how to ski a slalom. There were the pisteurs who dramatically negotiated the course pulling stretchers between two skiers with a “casualty”. There was the ESF instructors who came down at high speed on plastic sledges. And of course the team with the border who took out a whole section of poles.

Wheres Wally

WhatsApp Image 2022 03 27 at 10.19.22 AM 2

The “Where’s Wally's” assembled at the finish line to have a well earned beer and recreated the end of season group photo at the top of the mountain.

Festivities continued with Lojah a great band at Les Balcons and the food festival with stalls serving everything from delicious squid, moules, and great Savoyard specials. Fantastic atmosphere.

As Les Balcons closed for the evening, we took the last lift of the season and moved to Le Carnotzet and St Nic’s where a great DJ performed with Arnaud serving a fantastic BBQ. Sparkling wines showering the assembled very happy party goers. But we were not finished at L’Ourson another band Les gwapps started.

277310344 10158251140736288 9193963742432632112 n Carnotzet party

The party continued. Many thanks to ESF, Pisteurs, Telecabine, Les Balcons, Le Carnotzet, St Nicolas, L Ourson and the Wally's.

More pictures and videos on Facebook. Link below


Great party atmosphere at Bar L'Ourson 20th February with the duet "Mona" and then a bit of open "Mike". Videos on Facebook

Michael poster Ourson Feb 2022Michael Ourson Feb 22 2

Mid February 2022 update.

More snow arrived late on Monday 14th February and continued on Tuesday. This will help the slopes stay in good condition.

 View from Memises Feb 2022

The French school holidays are upon us and the resort is very busy. The car park fills up by mid morning. The new self service restaurant at lunch time quickly fills inside and whilst we have the large new terrace this also is busy with people looking for tables and chairs.

We have had an oyster bar and specials served from the large cauldron, Cassoulet, Polenta and music from Mathieu on the accordion

Oyster Bar 2 2022 Oysters

The new facility is great and the new gastronomic table service restaurant is gaining a great reputation for its food and fantastic views with the terrace open when the weather allows. Take time to enjoy great food and the view.

Balcons gastro terrace Balcon gastro

The Terrace for the Gastronomic Restaurant, and inside the table service restaurant on a cloudy day, below the view.

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The sunny weather has lead to a great atmosphere with good use of the deck chairs.
Balcons deckchair

All slopes have been open apart from the home run (Lanches) into the village which has been closed due to a small land slide and will continue we believe to be closed until a report is made on the condition of the slope.
Lanches closed

The party atmosphere has continued with L’ Ourson Bar having a great Reggae Band (Video) on the 13th February.
More music and fun is planned. Mike Noyce on the 23rd February.

Reggae Michael poster Ourson Feb 2022 2

26th January 2022

The English Language film season continues in Thollon this week with "355" ( 8.30 pm Thursday 27th) 355 is a spy film where Jessica Chastain and Penelope Cruz are members of an International spy group trying to stop terrorists from starting a third world war" ( Well it will make a change from a night in infront of the tele!

Thursday 3 February again at 8.30pm - Licorice Pizza . A comedy Drama starring Bradley Cooper, Sean Penn and Cooper Hoffman. This film has received lots of critical acclaim including Golden Globe and Critics Choice nominations for best film

Thursday 10 February at 8.30pm The Card Counter . Oscar Issac received numerous Best Actor awards in this film which was nominated one of the 10 best independent films of 2021.

As always, if you are in Thollon over the next 3 weeks why not come along and support this initiative.

Only with the support of the English speaking community will English films continue to be shown

The English Film Season here in the village is " up and running". If you are around, please come along and support this continuing initiative. Only with your support can we hope to maintain a regular flow of English language films.

Thursday 6 January at 20.45 - Matrix Resurrection . This is the 4th installment in the Matrix film franchise starring KeanuReeves

Thursday 13 January at 20.15 - West Side Story - The 2021 critically acclaimed Steven Spielberg version of this classic

Thursday 20 January at 20.15 - The King's Man - Premier Mission Ralph Fiennes, Gemma Arterton and Rhys Ifans star in this new prequel to the highly successful film franchise.

Sad announcement. 8th November 2021
Bernard 2

Most of us will remember Bernard’s smiling face from the old restaurant at the top of the mountain Repaire de A’igle. It is so sad to hear of his passing. Bernard, his wife Claude, his children Christophe and Marine and his family held the Repaire de l'Aigle for 23 years. pays tribute to this man of many talents, we will remember him as well as a musician
 Reported on the UCAT Facebook. page.

August 2021 : visited Les Balcons du Lac

Balcon image Balcon image 2

We visited the fantastic new restaurant Les Balcons du Lac where Thibaut proudly showed us the new facility.

thumbnail IMG 0093 Balcon Leman 3

Thibaut and Kevin are running the restaurant.

It is a great addition to our village which our Mayor Regis Bened and his team have worked so hard to make happen. For this summer the restaurant will provide service outside on the lower balcony and a few tables inside.

The outside terrace and view.

Balcon terrace Balcon terrace 2

Balcon terrace 3 Balcons ski area

You can buy a ticket that includes the Telecabine and the Menu Du Jour. Booking is recommended and pass sanitaire is required. The huge new outside balcony is providing a drinks service, and will be able to seat 300 when it fully opens, which will be for the winter ski season.

Inside you first enter the new self service restauarnt, which has access to the wooden terrace.

Balcons mountain rest  Balcon Leman terrace

Thibaut explained that they want to be known for the quality of the food just much as the view.
The view of Lac Leman from the second restaurant is fantastic and the food is equal to the view.

Balcon Leman view Balcon Leman view

Balcons Leman view Balcon Leman 3

The view from the front of the restaurant is across Lac Leman and must be the best in the area.

Balcons panorama

Our lunch was of the highest quality, and imaginative, my desert was a white chocolate mousse set in a sea of a sorrel sauce topped with slivers of meringue …delicious. Thibaut said he wants Balcon's to be know for its food as well as the view, and based on this visit he has suceeded.

Balcons desert


24th November 2020 Pres. Macron's speech yesterday (24/11) evening.

From Saturday 28 November.  All shops, services hairdressers etc, can re-open but with very strict rules about the amount of customers allowed in at once. The dreaded permission slips will still have to be filled in for exercise, shopping etc. The exercise perimeter has gone up from 1km to 20 km and from 1hr to 3 hrs. There is still a curfew from 21h to 07h (except on the 24/12 and the 31/12). Only small family gatherings will be allowed.

There will be a review for more changes on the 15/12 from this date travel around the whole of France will be permitted. However at the moment bars, restaurants etc will not be opening until the 20/1. All this depends on the infection rate being below 5,000 per day

As for skiing the government is still in negotiations with professional bodies and local authorities and no decision has yet been made. Macron did say he thought it would be difficult to foresee ski stations opening for the holiday period.

The situation is pretty fluid at the moment and he stressed several times the importance of infection levels being less than 5,000 per day. As the situation changes we will inform you.

Thanks to FB for this summary.

On Remembrance Day November 11th 2020.

Ok! Who’s stolen the lake? There was definitely one there last week, but its been replaced by a giant mattress of fluffy white cloud stretching unbroken as far as the eye can see. Luckily for us here in Thollon, we’re basking in the sunshine above the cloud. Less lucky for the lakeside peeps, they’re permanently in the gloom.

Driving to the supermarket we pass the lake, the smooth unruffled surface a cold steely grey, and look across to Switzerland cloaked in the same slightly sinister steely grey mist. The roads are empty, and today, November 11th, the French flags flying alongside the War Memorial in Evian bring the only touch of colour to an otherwise deserted town.

Here we’re remembering Michel Vivien who sadly died this morning. As ex-mayor of the village, he was a colourful character who was well known to most people in Thollon. Michel published his autobiography in November 2019 and for anyone interested in the development of the ski resortit’s a fascinating read. His is a story of rags to riches, an inspirational read that spansfrom his adoptive childhood during the war to his success as a local politician, property developer and pirate radio station owner.He’ll be missed.

        Michel Vivien           M vivien

Those of us who thought that COVID could be outrun by fresh mountain air, excellent French wine and smelly cheeses have been reminded of the fragility of our daily lives on this day. I’m conscious of how being part of a community, being connected via Zoom or Facebook, even getting an e-mail or a letter in the postmeans a lot.

So, go on, PHONE A FRIEND!

As we’re peering through the mists of time today, I thought I’d lighten the mood with a tale from Amphion. It’s a cracking tale of passion, ambition, adventure and speed. Somehow, today doesn’t feel the right day, so I’ll hold off until next week……but you wouldn’t want to miss it.  Thanks to LB.

November 2020 Kevin et Thibaut are pleased to announce the upcoming opening of our restaurant Les Balcons du Lac.

      Le Balcons du lac          Kevin 2

Located in the heart of Thollon-les-Mémises, France in a unique place with an amazing view of the Geneva lake. The old restaurant named “Le Repaire de l’Aigle” will be completely refurbished will become Les Balcons du Lac.

The restaurant will be open for business this year and will welcome you this winter season. French traditional cuisine pedestrian accessible or by ski.

Les Balcons du Lac it is also: - An outside terrasse - Two type of restauration; self-service and snack - A panoramic bridge - A lounge and chill out place - An outside bar - New guests’ experiences - A unique place with good vibes - And more to come…... Stay tuned Tous ensemble tout schuss !!!!    Keep up to date by following Kevin and Thibaut on their Facebook page.        LesBalcons du Lac  where there are some good pictures. wishes Kevin and Thibaut every success

The view from the new balcony.

balcons view 2

Cafes restaurants hotels and shops. Lockdown October 2020. If you are in Thollon do support those that can open and when we get back and can visit we all need to use them to ensure that these great people can keep going.

The Le XV Restaurant and Bar is open for takeaways.
Le XV logo

Arnaud had stocked up for his reopening and then was hit by lockdown. He will have an extensive new take away menu. Please support him. Details on his facebook page. Le XV

The UCAT Thollon Facebook site has updates for the new traders and what is open and when. UCAT is the organisation of local traders.

New:  30 Oct 2020  Video from the company undertaking the restaurant construction. This is a great video which shows the new roof being fixed.

           Video Click here. Thanks to Transports Tromberts

Rest roof Oct 20 

Snow on the mountain  26 Oct 2020

snow 26 10 20

Restaurant latest photos, 27 August 2020. Work is progressing well, weather has been good.

Rest 27 Aug 1 Rest 27 Aug 2 Rest 27 Aug 3

28th July 2020

Great performance by Jerry and his Pacemakers 26th July 2020  Bar L'Ourson
brit band jly 20 2


Our correspondent had a short meeting with the Mayor of Thollon Regis Bened on the 27th July 2020

1: Fibre optic cable will be installed in the village but this doesn’t depend on the Mayor or Orange but an independent company called SYANE, the SYANE site isn’t very informative, (it says Thollon will be completed beween 2020 & 2025) but the mayor did say some preparatory work had been done up to the station. He will contact them to see when the work in Thollon would be completed.

2: Apparently picking wild flowers in France is allowed there are a few protected species but in the main it is not against French law.

3: The restaurant work is progressing, but he couldn’t guarantee its completion before February 2021. He was very hopeful it would be completed before but wouldn’t commit to a certainty.

Rest graphic 1 Rest graphic 2 Rest graphic 3

4: Dogs fouling the village he said this was a problem mainly in the tourist season and he would put posters up reminding people of their responsibilities vis-à-vis their dogs.

5: Excess speed in the village. Ha has already set up a special ‘commission’ to look into this and when they’ve finished their work he will look at their recommendations. 6: The car park. He didn’t think a group of volunteers to tidy and improve the look of the car park was an idea he could support as these types of things tend to start enthusiastically then die out leaving the places concerned worse than before. He then said there was a limited amount of funds available and his administration was trying to ensure it was spent wisely. He thanked all the ‘Anglais’ who frequented the village and he thought the village was very happy to have them in Thollon.

Construction of new Restaurant: Latest photo 25th June 2020

rest demo 8

Monday 8th June 2020 8pm Bar L'Ourson opens. Corinne is promising summer fun and games.

Bar ourson cover

Bellevue Hotel Opens Monday 8th June 2020

bellevue 2020 2

2nd June 2020

Cafes and restaurants can now open. All venues must maintain a 1m gap between tables. Staff will wear masks and groups will be limited to 10 people. Customers will be required to wear masks while moving around, but can remove them at tables. Groups are still limited to a maximum of 10 people in public spaces. Parks and gardens are opening and beaches and lakes will re-open on June 2. Local authorities retain the right to impose mask-wearing as a precautionary measure.

XV reopen XV reopen tapas 2

Great news: Arnaud in XV bar will be open (with tapas) starting Tuesday 2nd June 4pm.

The restaurant will have to check stock with suppliers before setting a final date, but this should be Thursday 4th or Friday 5th June.

May 2020 The demolition of the Telecabine Restaurant is well underway.

2nd June: The Eagle's Den (Telecabine restaurant) offers a temporarily a small snack menu while waiting for a more elaborate menu.


Rest demo 1 rest demo June rest demo june 2 eagle

rest demo june 7 rest demo june 6

25th May 2020 Telecabine Opens

Check out Facebook Telecabine Thollon for regular updates and lift opening. 

Good news!The gondola-les-Mémises opens from Saturday, May 30 to Wednesday, June 3 from 9 am to 17 pm for the Pentecost weekend.

Then on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays in June at the same time. Wearing mask and social distance. Come with your masks.

Updates and details see link above.

May 2020 The demolition of the Restaurant is well underway. See this great video of the work. Demolition Many thanks to MB and Joe.

Rest demo 1 Rest demo 3 New rest 1

March/April 2020 With Thollon in lockdown one of our own has written an exellent blog to give us a feel of what its like to be in Thollon at this time.

The blog now has its own page. Letter from Thollon. This is an excellent read and a wonderful insight it to this unusual time.

We look forward to more reports.

Really sad news. The station bars and restaurants are closed for the season.

Use the links on the front page to get updates.

February 2020 Thollon is a family resort and many visitors return every year to enjoy the great welcome.

esf-Chris-Cora Cora Chris esf gold
Christine (ESF Thollon Secretary) presents a first badge to Cora age 4 and then Gold Award age 12 in February 2020.

February 2020  Well done to the Snowpark Team report of the Reggae Fever in the press. Plus some of the team sneak into photo!

snowpark press

Reggae Fever

Snowpark reggae 2 2 snowpark reggae 1 2

One of our own  has a sneaky play.

snowpark michael 

 "Horseing around"  Thursday 20th February 2020.

Horses in snow

Horses in snow 5 Horses in snow 3

Horses in snow 2  Horses in snow 4

Wednesdays  February 2020 Party 7pm in the Polyvante hosted by ESF, Ski Club, Fondue and music Mickael and accordion.

Fondue 2018 Fondue 2020 1

Corinne at L’Ourson Bar is always pro-active in offering fun and entertainment

The program for February 2020

Every Tuesday is Board Games at 19.00

Encart event Soirée jeux LOURSON BAR FB

Every Thursday The Band Old’n Wise 20.30. They are regulars and an excellent evening is in store.

Encart event Jeudi Oldn wise LOURSON BAR FB

14th February Valentines evening with music and cocktails. DJIP for a reggae concert.

Encart event sans valentin LOURSON BAR

29th February Irish Band....details to follow.

Soiree les bronzes font du ski is about the French movie from the 80's Come dressed in 80's gear.

Encart event Carnaval les bronzes LOURSON BAR web FB

Le Planch Shooter.... tray of Vodka shooters for 30 euros for the Russian party

Encart event Soiree Russe LOURSON BAR FB web


 Thollon Snow Park

The Thollon Snowpark association organises events on the theme of freestyle skiing/ snowboarding. The half pipe, landing balloon and water jump add some fun to Thollon.

Events: 25th January 2020 lunch BBQ,  Reggae Fever 16th february 2020 from 11.30 music and BBQ

snowpark balloon snowpark 2019

January 2020 BBQ

 snowpark Jan 2020 2 snowpark Jan 2020

Annual Mayors report 19/01/2020

Mayor 2020

This is his last report before the local elections of 15/3/2020. Therefore he cannot speak about future projects as he may not be re-elected. (Apparently there is someone standing against him).

Thollon now has 817 residents, 355 permanently occupied homes and 1524 second residences. A Head of Station was appointed a year ago, Sebastian, and has been very successful. This year certain ‘works’ have been undertaken. including; renovation of the church, the water network has been improved, and of course the new snow canons.

The good news is all the preparatory work, building permits , finances, tenders etc,for the restaurant are now completed and work on the new restaurant (and ancillary buildings) will start in April this will entail the use of helicopters at first until the Lanches becomes usable for lorries. The money for the restaurant has been half financed by the state, the region and the dept. The village will finance the rest there will be no increase in taxes to do this. There will be a new skiing ‘Jardin d’infants’ on the other side of the restaurant from the present one this will have a covered ‘conveyor belt’.

The Xmas, New Year, early Jan period has been the most successful ever, (since the TF1 article the phone at the tourist office hasn’t t stopped ringing.) There was then a series of speeches by elected members from the Dept, the region and a Haute Savoie Senator Then free drinks and cake. Thanks to FB for attending and giving this report.

The new restauarant (picture below) will include a panoramic view of the lake.

Thollon 2017 vue intégrale Léman hiver copie

Driving in Geneva. Introduction of a new window sticker to categorise cars, similar to the Crit'Air (we believe also accepted) introduced from 15th January 2020. These will be used to restrict entry to Geneva for those older cars with the worst emissions. See Swissinfo.Ch Banning Dirty Cars  Get a sticker!

 LEMAN Express

Care! There are strikes in France including rail services.  This is impacting on the LEMAN Service
If you know or have used the service please share using the Contact page....Mixed reports, some success, some having to use the bus link when French drivers strike.

The annual Christmas Concert in the Thollon Church, Monday 23rd December at 20h.

There will be Vin Chaud and Chocolate Chaud in the interval, Tombolas for Christmas Logs and we will have loads of carols to sing (in French!) in the second half, including Irving Berlin’s White Christmas! Hope to see you all there.

lecho Dec19

The annual village that appears in Evian:  The Fabululeux Village of the Flotins from the 13th December to the 5th January.
Not to be missed. There are also illuminations in Evian

See the Evian page for pictures from previous years, and the LeFabuleuxvillage web site for details of this years event.

Flotins 17 4 palais illuminations

The Fabululeux Village of the Flotins from the 13th December to the 5th January.
Now closed a fantastic event and as they left on the 5th January a great celebration.

Flotins leave 2020 2 w Flotins leave 2020 w

  It's great to see how much we are appreciated by the Thollon traders, New Year greetings from UCAT.

Ucat Xmas greeting

Whats on Bar L'Ourson Corinne again welcomes us with a great program.

Saturday, December 21st December Ugly sweater evening from 20h Dare to pull out your ugly pullovers and come and spend a night full of humor at the Pooh Bar.

Monday, December 23 December Christmas market from 13h Arrival of Santa Claus at 17h30 Sale of cakes, crafts, oysters etc

Marche De noel 2019

Thursday, 26th December Chinese lanterns 18h Pooh's terrace bar (weather permitting)

December 31st, New Year's Eve

From December 21 to December 31, sale of oysters on a platter or plate, on-site or take-out From 17h every day Tray 12 oysters N ° 3 13, 80 euros Tray 12 oysters N ° 2 17,80 euros Shallot vinegar, lemon and tray included Opening of oysters 1,50 euros per dozen On the spot, plate with 6 oysters N ° 3 Open with a glass of white 8 euros

New website opened November 2019 UCAT Thollon. Congratulations to the association of traders for this new initiative. Good links to the traders and on The Evian page with link to Bus Timetables for the Evian / Thollon shuttle. 

LEMAN Express

Leman Express

Great news. A new rail service from Geneva airport to Evian starts in December 2019. received the following information from Léman Express.

Since last Monday you will find our website translated into English. There is plenty of documentation you could use to get the information you need.

Under the section “Plan Your journey” à “Timetables and Travel Info” you will find PDF time tables of the Léman Express Lines, feel free to download them 

Unfortunately due to the complexity of the pricing it is not possible to have a fixed price for the pricing, that is why we don’t have a pricing list. However, on (only in French), you can find out how much your ticket and subscription will cost you, specific to a trip ( · Finally, the start of the Léman Express is on the 15th December 2019, not on the 20th December. We hope to see you onboard our trains and wish you a nice day.

Do use our contact page to tell of your experience. Thanks.

20th Novenber 2019  New snow canons being used.

2019 snowcanon

First snow 6th November 2019

snow arrives Nov 2019

The Thollon live Webcam is not working (Nov 2019) due to the work going on to install new snow canons. We now have the use of a new web cam Thollon-les-Mémises 'front' (Les Lanches) from the top of the Gondola Lift back down to the Station. Many thanks to Andy.

LEMAN Express

Leman Express

Great news. A new rail service from Geneva airport to Evian starts in December 2019.

Go to the web site for details. Leman express  There are timetables, but as yet we can't see any fares. Do use our contact page to tell us if you see these. Thanks.

"Repas Des AInés" 6 October 2019 saw the annual Lunch for the "senior citizens" of the village held in the Sal Polyvalente and hosted by Msr Regis Bened, the Mayor of Thollon. Well it was, as usual, described as "lunch" - starting at 11.30am with music from the Echo Des Memises, lunch was a glorious affair provided by the Hotel Bon Sejour. Then dancing to JO JO Music from Evian - absolutely brilliant - and then finishing after the inevitable onion soup and supper, well after 11.00pm! A really wonderful day and much appreciation to the Mayor and the members of the village social committee and the team at the Marie. Particular thanks to Mme Yvette Dupont and her team at the Bon Sejour for a truly wonderful " Repas". Many thanks to RG for this article.

repas 10 2109 4 Repas 10 2019 3 Repas 10 2019 2

New snow cannon installation There are to be 65 or is it 74? new snow cannons. They will cover all the slopes which are visible from the restaurant. There does not appear to be any plans at the moment to do the "back run" the Via Casse. So the resort should be well and truly ready for this year's winter season, 2019/2020. Pictures below lots of activity in the car park and on the slopes. Lorries and a helicopter has been moving the materials.

new cannons 1 new cannons 2  canons 2019

The new signs and addresses have now been completed.

road signs Aug 2019 2 road signs Aug 2019

Summer 2019. A review

Cinema. The weekly Summer English Film season. Every Thursday our Cinema had English films these were well attended and there was a great selection of films such as Rocketman and Bohemian Rhapsody. There will be a winter season starting in late December 2019.

Thanks to Ron and Sylvain for continuing to provide us with English language films.

Music and fun. Bars, fete, BBQ

Bar Ourson is worthy of an extra mention for the many fun evenings some with live music. Corrine has been popular with the British clientele and the annual get together of British musicians with the new band Jerry and his Pacemaker was in fine form. The outside area in front of the bar making for a great area to relax party and listen to music. Also new for 2019 was Arnaud offering excellent Tapas in his bar area in Le XV making for a relaxed drink and food sitting on the sofa's. The bars Saint Nicolas and Choumas continued to be popular and offered good hospitality. Many of us also braved the walk to visit the Hotels Bon Sejour and Bellevue, whose restaurants offered excellent fare.

ourson jerry Ourson Aug 19

Ourson Aug 19 2   Le XV tapas 1

The annual fete was held in August, two nights of party which was well supported by the crowd. There were also music events held outside the Tourist Office, by the car park.

fete2019 1 fete2019 3

Thollon church Aug 2019 

The site at the aerial Hucel which has a wonderful view over the lake was the venue for an inpromptu byo BBQ. A group of locals and Brits enjoyed food and wine as the sunset. The steep and dark climb down from the site was interesting.

hucel panorama w

Basecamp Thollon fitness

 Base camp

Joe Brady offered excellent well attended fitness training throughout the whole of August, held on the football pitch in Thollon

Priory Meillerie

A visit was organised to visit the Priory of the Meillerie Many of us use the road and pass close by to this Priory. The visit was excellent for a number of reasons, the views are fantastic especially from the graveyard above. The history of the priory and its role in commanding the area and its links to Thollon were fascinating. The talk by the very informed lady was excellent as it gave a wider view and helped many of us understand the local history of the Haute Savoie. The web site is excellent and if you are considering a walk around is to be recommended to set the scene.

StGpriory 3 

StGpriory 2  Priory 2019

The Lake

Many of the Thollon group have boats on the lake and enjoyed a great summer of boating. The lake provided its usual mirror calm surface ideal for motor boats. The usual venues of Grand Rive “Nathalies” and new this year L’OXXY Beach providing refreshment.

lake Aug 2019 Loxxy Aug 2019 1

New concert! 

ourson jerry

Thollon Summer 2019. see also calendar below for list of events.

Joe brady is offering fitness training Hello everyone! Throughout the whole of August I, Joe Brady, will be giving fitness sessions on the Footy pitch in Thollon! Everyone is welcome! Even your dog! :)

They take place every Tuesday/Thursday and Saturday in August (dates below) at 9:00am.
1 session is 10 euros 5 sessions is 39 euros 10 Sessions is 50 euros Bring a bottle of water and a towel (because you will sweat)
It lasts an hour with a great 15/20 min cool down of JOEGA (its all the rage)
Any questions just send me an email to or a WhatsApp to 0033 (0)785 234 889
Thanks and looking forward to seeing you on the footy pitch!

Joe brady training

New snow cannon installation There are to be 65 new snow cannon. They will cover all the slopes which are visible from the restaurant. There does not appear to be any plans at the moment to add more canons to the "back run" the via casse. So the resort should be well and truly ready for this year's winter season, 2019/2020. Thanks RG for contribution

new cannons 1 new cannons 2

Lou Risolets - Some 35 of the more venerable and distinguished members of the Thollon community spent a most enjoyable day on the shores of Lac Leman. The occasion was the annual summer outing of Lou Risolets - Thollon's senior citizens club. An energetic walk along the shores ( punctuated by the occasional stop for a glass or two of very nice wine (!) ) was followed by a beautiful lunch at Les Pieds dans L'eau ( a restaurant well worth visiting if you are in the Corzent area) And then back to Thollon for a little " apero" As always, thanks to Nathalie and Kathleen for their support for the club and special thanks to Joel for organising this particular event. Thanks to RG

DAUPHINE Lou Risolets

Cinema The English language film season begins Thursday 11 July 2019 with what has been a well reviewed and acclaimed film The Mustang. "The Mustang is hard to look away from and worthy of praise. It's a gorgeous look at a man who finds the best version of himself in his relationship with a wild horse. It's worth seeking out... as both a portrait of a prison program few are aware of and a powerful character study." Thanks to Ron and Sylvain for continuing to provide us with English language films.

Thursday 18th July at 8.30pm "Rocketman" - the brilliant film telling the life story of Elton John.

Thursday 25th July, again at 8.30pm, the Richard Curtis, Danny Boyle film "Yesterday" about the young man who recovers from an accident to discover he is the only person in the world who has heard of the Beatles!

Last summer Corinne in Bar Ourson organised many fun evenings with some great music. This summer she has so far come up with this program, please do support Bar Ourson so we may continue to have live music and events in Thollon. There will be more events added.

Saturday 13th July 18.00 OLD N’ WISE A great duo playing and singing a wide range of great music.

Friday 26th July 20.00 Tabasse and Co, plus Animation Soiree American pie! This band was a great hit a superb mixture, young fantastic musicians. favourite (Edit). Huge range of songs including Greenday.

Ourson 2018 2 w


Saturday 3rd August 19.00 OLD N’ WISE

old N new w


Saturday 10th August 20.00 Soiree reggae with DJIP

Thursday 15th August OLD N’ WISE . It’s in the name they know what we like!

Thollon's Boulangerie Monique and her husband will be retiring at the end of June 2019 and, whilst they plan to continue to stay in Thollon,the running of the bakery will be in new hands, further information in due course. Readers will no doubt wish to join in wishing Monique and her husband all the very best for the future.

On Saturday 8th June at 3pm the annual football match was played on a lovely sunny day.

Result: England 8, France 7 yes we won!

As usual the band, ceremony and football of a standard only seen once a year. A great celebration.

Football 2019 4 Thollon football cups

thollon football 2019


Pink Pub to Pegasus Bridge

Pink Pub badge

This site celebrates the link between many countries. We have a large British contingent. Several Bognor Regis members are supporting a great forces charity by cycling from Bognor Regis to Pegasus Bridge to celebrate D-Day leaving on Wednesday 5 May 2019. Have a look at the Facebook page. Pinkpub2PegasusBridge So far they have raised over £100,000....Great job guys. Please support them. 

pink pub bikes w

They made it! Well done guys!

PINK pub pegasus w Pegasus Alastair

 Thollon Summer 2019

After a great winter season Thollon starts to settle in to summer. Summer was announced with an earthquake of around a magnitude of 4 that shook the village on the 28th May 2019, residents reported that it felt quite dramatic.

Thollon friends stretch wide across the world. On the 11 May 2019 a group of around 30 Thollon friends came from various parts of Europe to visit Bolton to help celebrate 30 years in business for a Thollon regular. Much drinking and great hospitality from Dave and Deb’s.

Bolton 2019

Saturday 8th June 2019 at 3pm will be the annual football match, usually British v French but we are hearing that it might be mixed teams this year. As usual the band, ceremony and football of a standard only seen once a year. A great celebration. Photos from previous years scroll down this page.

thollon football 2019

The Thollon official website will have details of whats on, some dates for your diary for a wider view:

The Montreux Jazz Festival 28 June to 13 July.

Evian Motorboat Formula 1 : 5 to 7 July. There are many events in Evian and the best place to see what's on is their Facebook page.

CGN is the provider of the boats that cross the lake with the beautiful paddle steamers. There are many events and special trips, go to and browse.

Paddle boats Evian w

Bastile Day Celebrations Evian 14 July, Thollon 13 July 2019

Vevey Wine Festival 18 July to 11 August. Once a generation Vevey the town situated at the heart of the viticultural region hosts The Fête des Vignerons, a celebration of the wine making in the region. The Ville en Fête will transform Vevey into an open-air musical and theatrical stage Vevey is almost opposite Thollon across the lake.

Evian Ladies Golf Championship 25 to 28 July 2109, pictures of previous years on the Evian page.

Palais Lumiere 29 June to 29 September 2019 L’Expressionnisme Allemande.

Lexpressionnisme Allemand

Thollon Summer Fête 3 to 4 August 2019. Music, dancing, food and celebration in the marquee by the church.

The cable car is open weekends and Wednesdays May, June and September and every day in July and August 2019 from 9:30 to 17:30. the restaurant is also open, look out for offers of lunch and telecabine ticket combined. Great lunch with a view.

April 2019 News:  The ski resort

Regis Bened, the Mayor of Thollon has announced the renewal of the facilities for snow creation to be funded over 25 years with subsidies of 30% from the department, 30% from the region and with a municipal loan. Tenders are underway for 60 more snow cannons This winter we used 60000m3 of water. There are three reservoirs capable of making about 120000 m3 of artificial snow. This year we have been able to cover the whole of the Lanches piste with just 17 canons but this has required a great deal of effort. At night they rotate the use of the piste machines and then do maintenance in the daytime The New Restaurant The good news was passed on by the Marie at the end of March: the subsidies are agreed for the restaurant. The tenders have now been approved with the realization of the project planned for 2020.

The season closed on the 31st March 2019 with the UCAT Race and the water slide, and the British enthusiastically joining in the celebrations with this years theme of Peaky Blinders. Around 35 British visitors, and some Ex Pat residents joined in the fun. entered a team of three generations photo below, 2 skiers and a snowboarder! A superb effort but no medals this year.

snowpark end March 19race march 19 2

Below the race winners Garage des Memises and the British "second place?" Team Meda Sport (Ketts Taira Andy) we understand that we might have translated "Les Perdants" incorrectly..... Great trophy, medals, cheese and chocolates were all appreciated as was the great atmosphere and the paella served for lunch. Thanks to the organisers and the many supporters for such a fun event. The race had a unique compulsory half way stop with a glass of wine or juice being consumed before continuing to the finish. 

race winners losers

Results correctly reported in the le dauphine below on the 3rd April 2019 together with a picture of the Peaky Blinder racers.

LeDaupine w

More pictures and video below

Peaky top

Peaky gents

Peaky ladies 1

Peaky on the slopes PeakyYouTube video

The season draws to a close with the UCAT Race and the water slide. will be entering a team in the race following their "success" last year

snowpark end March 19race march 19 2race 3w

Romantic Thollon

We all love the view from the top of the mountain, and what better place to propose marriage.
Regular visitor Ross proposed, and Nicola said yes. Best wishes from

Ross nicola

 2019 English Film Season  For the last two weeks of the season Sylvain has found us two really outstanding films. The Favourite starring Olivia Coleman will be shown this coming Thursday 21 March at 8.30pm and then, the following week 28 March again at 8.30pm Mary Queen of Scots starring Margot Robbie. Do come along if you can and support Sylvain and his efforts on our behalf.

So far this season we have seen Aquaman, Widows, Bohemian Rhapsody, Fantastic Animals, Cold Pursuit and Green Book and more! Thanks to Sylvain for arranging another brilliant film season. Thanks to Ron for being involved for us all. Please do continue to support. Many visitors are surprised to see such a fantastic cinema hidden away in Thollon.

The season will continue with many events and parties.

The British half term Monday 18th February 2019 brought many visitors to Thollon. A great sunny week with fun had by all.

 snowpark 2019cones slope 2019


cones gendarmes 2019

February 2019. Lots of snow has arrived

village Feb2109village Feb 2019 2

 Mimies 3 w

January 2019 Many Brits know that Thollon is great for its snow, apre ski, and fine food. Last week there was a new and welcome development. An English Breakfast. Mimie now offers it, and with Heinz Baked Beans. The plate consists of Sausage, Eggs (omelette or fried) Bacon Mushrooms, Heinz Baked Beans, Hash Browns. Toast, Orange Juice, Coffee/Tea And for only €12. A team of select tasters has visited, twice to make sure, and has voted it a resounding success. Thanks to HS for his dedication, twice, to the task.

Update 16th January 2019. The forecast snow has arrived and for the last two days we have had excellent skiing. The Plan Thollon Alpin has the piste map which now shows which pistes are open, closed, and may open. The weather is changeable!

The Mayors Meeting 13th January 2019

Mayor 2019 w

The meeting started a little late while waiting for the ‘star’ turn to arrive one of the Senators for Haute Savoie. ( Mr Cyril Pellevat ) The Mayor started with an introduction including his view of the Political problems in France, his own personal view was that a lot of the politicians in Paris had never served in any form before, and this wasn’t helping the situation.
The population of the village in now 797 people. He paid hommage to the 11 villagers who passed away in 2018. There will be a census of the population this year, with 2 local councillors being responsible, one for the upper village and one for the lower. He noted the success of the local sporting events last year and thanked the organisers.
All building land was now reclassified i.e. is no longer has the statute of building land. The garderie (creche) was now finished (€400K) and they were hoping to extend the opening hours The (re)naming and numbering of streets and houses would be finished this spring. The road resurfacing would continue from where it finished up to La Joux. The water problems were now resolved and the works were complete. The responsibility for water will pass from the commune to Evain sometime after 2020.
The common ski pass with Bernex has been a success. The use of the telecabine has increased two-fold especially in the summer. The contracts for new snowmaking facilities has been signed and they will be installed next summer. This will be financed by the company responsible for the Lifts. The drainage problems up top have now been resolved and are completed
The restaurant: There are still one or 2 financial documents to be signed if they are signed before the end of March the new restaurant will be built this summer if not it will be 2020. He then thanked all those that had helped in the village and the staff in the Mairie There were then speeches made by the mayors of other villages and the Senator. Many
Thanks to FB for attending and keeping us all informed.

New January 2018 site shows what runs are open. Plan Thollon Alpin


The season will continue with many events and parties. Corinne at Bar L'Ourson has organised Cabaret on 2 February 2019. Go and see her for Tickets.

English Film Season English continues on Thursday 10 January at 8.30pm as usual, with WIDOWS - Steve McQeen's critically acclaimed heist film starring Colin Farrel, Liam Neeson and Viola Davis. Thanks to Sylvain for arranging what we understand will be yet another brilliant film to continue the English season So far we seen the truly wonderful "Bohemian Rhapsody" - the film based on the life of Freddie Mercury and the music of Queen and Eddie Redmayne in "Fantastic Animals" Thanks to RG for being involved on behalf of us all.

26 December 2018. After such a promising start to the season the rain came. The snow has melted and the pistes damaged. The Facebook Telecabine Thollon has updates.

The Tourist Office will be running many events during the holiday season. Thollon les Mémises Tourisme  Facebook publishes details. The "Agenda of the week" Programme d'animations. Torch light descent, table tennis. Karaoke and much more.


 2019 English Film Season  For the last two weeks of the season Sylvain has found us two really outstanding films. The Favourite starring Olivia Coleman will be shown this coming Thursday 21 March at 8.30pm and then, the following week 28 March again at 8.30pm Mary Queen of Scots starring Margot Robbie. Do come along if you can and support Sylvain and his efforts on our behalf.

So far this season we have seen Aquaman, Widows, Bohemian Rhapsody, Fantastic Animals, Cold Pursuit and Green Book and more! Thanks to Sylvain for arranging another brilliant film season. Thanks to Ron for being involved for us all. Please do continue to support. Many visitors are surprised to see such a fantastic cinema hidden away in Thollon.

15 December 2018 Tragic News for regular readers of - Those of you who have their wood supplied by Jean-Marc Gailey may appreciate knowing of the tragic and sudden death last night of his son Victor. Victor was just 24 and died in the early hours of this morning of a cardiac arrest whilst working on the pistes at the Swiss ski resort where he was employed as a driver of one of their snow machines. No doubt you will wish to join in extending our sympathy to Jean- Marc; to Valerie and to their family and close friends.

December 2018

The snow has arrived and the station is ready for the opening on 22nd December.

2018 open snown

Check out the Facebook  Telecabine  and Facebook UCAT  for latest information.

The annual village that appears in Evian:  The Fabululeux Village of the Flotins from the 14th December to the 6th January. Not to be missed.
See the Evian page for pictures from previous years, and the LeFabuleuxvillage web site for details of this years event.

Flotins 17 4

November 2018 New Tourist Tax - With effect from January 1st 2019 - La Taxe de Séjour- is being introduced. From that date there will be a legal obligation on anyone renting their property to pay this tax. At the time of writing the Tourist Office are unable to confirm exactly how this tax should be paid and to whom - however no doubt clarification will be forthcoming in due course. The new tax is being introduced throughout Pays D'Evian and Vallee D'Abondance. We understand that the tax will be used to improve and help fund aspects of tourism in the region. Tax will be 2% of the rental charge per person, per night to a maximum of €2.30. The tax will not be payable for persons under 18. The following example is given as a guide :- A family comprising 2 Adults and 2 children (aged 19 & 16) renting and staying 7 nights in a non classified property (see footnote) where the weekly rental is €756. * Rental fee €756/ 7 nights = €108 per day/night * Rental fee per night = €108 / 4 occupants = € 27 per night * Tax per night = € 27 / 100x2 (2%) =€ 0.54 * Tax due for this rental = € 0.54 x 7 nights x 3 = € 11.34 Note: there is also a new classification system for rental property details of which are available from the tourist office. We understand that this is a national system and that it is not as yet. compulsory. Thanks to RG for this contribution. Reported on Pays d'Evian -Vallee d'Abondance web site. 

November 2018 Le XV Restaurant

LXV new 2018

The Le XV has re-opened with a new look, expanded format with a new relaxing lounge area adjacent to the current restaurant. We understand that there will also be a range of lighter meals/snacks available. wishes Arnaud & Madalene success for the coming winter season. An early visit is scheduled!

October 2018 Great news, Thollon and Bernex have signed an agreement making available a ski pass for both resorts for the 2017/18 Season The season pass is for both resorts and 3 visits to the Bernex Ice rink. There is a also a new web site Les Montagnes D’ Evian promoting the joint venture, and the various options. The pass is available to buy on line. Early snow is landing on the high resorts. We look forward to the winter season.

thollon bernex signLes Montagnes DEvian w 2

October 2018 Le XV Restaurant - Following the normal annual closure, we are advised that the XV will re open in the first week in November(2018) with a new look, expanded format. The restaurant will have been extended and the bar relocated into a new relaxing lounge area adjacent to the current restaurant. We understand that there will also be a range of lighter meals/snacks available. wishes Arnaud & Madalene success for the coming winter season. (an early visit is scheduled!) (Thanks to RG for updating us)


Brief review of the 2018 summer. The weather was certainly excellent with good temperatures and plenty of sun shine. A good program of events and music organised by the tourist office. The annual fete. The Choumas and Bar L’Ourson continue to be popular with the British. Corinne at The Pooh Bar (L’Ourson) has done a great job with themed evenings, Soiree Barbecue, music from locals and some great bands. Tres bonne ambiance sur Thollon! All on the new terrace.

Le Mimies has moved to be in the station. The offering a great breakfast, Omelettes, Tea, Coffee, light lunch. Beer, wine available. A great addition. The local and visiting Brits enjoyed many activities, the usual boating, the annual petanque competition, swimming at Grand Rive.

The annual Thollon fete was held on 3/4 August 2018, well attended by the local and visiting British contingent, usual band and disco, entertainment for the kids, fun park and a meal in the marquee.

fete 2018 wold N new w

Good program of events organised by the Tourist Office, with occasional music, and the return of the band Old N' New.

 The Choumas and Bar L’Ourson continue to be popular with the British. Corinne at The Pooh Bar (L’Ourson) has done a great job with themed evenings, Soiree Barbecue And Country Music, Mix And Mojito, Tres bonne ambiance sur Thollon! All on the new terrace. Visit the Facebook page L'Ourson to flavour the atmosphere. Karioke Fridays continued with “Frank –ioke”. Other evenings had impromptu music from Frank, Michael, and Patric. The American Pie evening was a great success with the young energetic band TABASSE-CO singing a mix of Rock and Punk to a large crowd. A return visit is a must!

Ourson 2018 wOurson 2018 2 w

Le Mimies. Michelle has moved to be in the station. Now offering a great breakfast, Omelettes, Tea, Coffee, light lunch. Beer, wine available.

Mimies wMimies 2 wMimies 3 w

The Annual International Petanque (mostly Brits) was held, a closely fought contest.

Boules w 2

A private meal mostly “Anglaise” friends was held in the Bellevue Hotel garden with over 40 attending. Great support for the hotel. 

Bellevue 2 2018jpgbellevue 2018

The Plage Grand/Petite-Rive continues to be popular with the small “cabin bar” providing food and drinks by the lake. There is now a popular market on Tuesday evenings in July and August at 18.00, food from a seafood BBQ, Thai Maxi take away, and others with tables and chairs overlooking the lake, with craft stalls. Good atmosphere, music.

nathaliesmaxilly mkt

Vevey Market

Vevey 2018Vevey 2 2018

The Market at Vevey on a Saturday morning is a good outing, with bands, wine tasting and a superb food and veg market and much more. Buy a glass for 12 euros and sample as many of the local wines as you can.

The regular English Film season which comes to Thollon in the holiday seasons starts again in July 2018. Please do support and enjoy in our wonderful Cinema.

Tuesday 10 July 8.30pm The Book Club

Thursday 12 July 8.30pm Potato Peel Pie Literacy Society of Guernsey

On the 9th June 2018 the annual International  France v England Football match will take place in Thollon. To read last years match report scroll down in this page to June 2017.

Probably.... the finest sporting event in France, A close game last year, played in great spirit. Other events in June.

thollon football June 2018assaut des memises 2018Concert 9 june

There are many events that make using Thollon your base a great idea in off season, two of these are:-

Evian Navigation Weekend  On the 19/20 May 2018 Paddle steamers parade and dance. See Evian Page

Paddle boats Evian w

Yvoire Venetian Weekend in May. Pictures on Yvoire page.

 Ultra Montee 5th May 2018

 ultra montee2018 3ultra montee2018 2ultra montee2018 1ultra montee2018 4

;Great Video and more pictures on the Facebook site. UMTLM

Ultra Montee May 5th 2018 - a beautiful sunny morning - greeted some 150+ runners as they assembled at the foot of the Lanches for one of the most grueling races of the season. Runners have eight hours to complete as many ascents of the mountain as they can - they run, walk (or some may even end up crawling!) up to the top station. Then, after a no doubt welcome respite on the way back down in the telecabine, away they go again for yet another run up the mountain! The winner is expected to achieve 13 complete ascents in the allotted time. The first ascent and descent was completed in 35 minutes with the first of the female runners following closely behind in 37 minutes. The Ultra Montee is one of a series of races run across France and attracts both local competitors and those from further afield. The winner was a local Thollongarde who competed 13 assents in the 8 hours - despite the oppressive heat on the day! The second placed, although slightly slower, also completed 13 assaults! The first female athlete (the girl with the pink shorts in the pictures) completed 10 ascents in the allotted time. Many congratulations to everyone who competed. Thanks to RG for this report

Telecabine. The telecabine is now open for the Summer season:- Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday during May. Every day in June, July and August and in September again Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

 Garderie 2018

May 2018 New Garderie. Work is progressing well on the new Garderie adjoining the Tourist Office with completion expected (hoped for?) by the end of May in readiness for the 2018 Summer season.

 les risolles 2les risolles 3les risolles 1

A Day out for the village's Senior Citizens . The annual Spring outing for Les Risolles this year was to the Auberge Fleurie in Monnet-La-Ville in the France Compte region. Thirty members of the village club met outside the Marie at 8.30am to join the coach that would take them round the lake via Geneva and Nyon and then over the Jura to Monnet-la-Ville. Greeted at the entrance to the restaurant by a Priest and the Bride & Groom, we soon found ourselves involved in the wedding ceremony - with some of our members acting the parts of the father and mother of the bride! Needless to say the whole thing was part of the entertainment for the day! During lunch the Priest reverted to being the MC and comedian ( at least I think that was what he was doing!! ) A wonderful lunch was followed by an afternoon of singing and dancing with the singing continuing in the coach for most of the way back to Thollon. A most enjoyable day and much appreciation as always to Nathalie and Katherine for all their efforts in organizing the event. Thanks to RG for this report


Final ski season weekend, great weather, celebrations, competition and fun. Thank you Thollon. Highlights, wins* UCAT race.... Many British competitors, it’s the taking part that counts! In the Polyvante Music, singing, party. * Best Animation. Congratulations to the real winners. La Fetiuere.Reblochon,cheese was presented and the children received an Easter chocolate gift. In the evening, around a hundred people, merchants, tourists, competitors, around a giant tartiflette prepare by the team and animated by the accordion of Mathieu Lombardi and Guy Vivien on the microphone

race 3wrace 14wrace6w


race18race 18

The season is nearing the close on the 2nd April. The last weekend will feature the infamous water slide and the UCAT slalom fun race.
It is expected that will be entering a team. There will be a party in the Polyvante in the evening. Posters below.

slaom race 2018waterslide 2018

March 2018. The slopes are in great condition and when the sun shines Thollon is at its best.

piste March 2018 1piste March 2018 2piste March 2018 3


 Polyvante Fondue Party wFondue 2018

Fondue Party Each Wednesday evening during The high ski season (February and the first week in March) the village celebrate in style. The Ski Monitors descend the Lanches with burning torches, and there there is an impressive firework display after which hot Vin Chaud is provided on the slopes.(With temperatures well below freezing the vin chaud is well received!) Then it was off to the Village Hall (Polyvalente) for a grand Fondue Party. The Echo des Memises played during dinner and then Mikael entertained us all with his accordion and lots of silly games for young and old alike. Some of the guests clearly felt that they hadn't had enough skiing during the day and decided to try their hand at a bit of "multiple skiing" A great night was had by all!


25th February 2018 Due to Orange network problems the web cam is not working at the moment.

Torch run w The holiday season is underway with children joining in the Torch light run. February 2018 Lots of activities! Regular activities include the torch light descent and fireworks. Fondue evenings dancing and music in the Polyvante notices and tickets from the Tourist Office. All welcome.

descentFondue 2018

Evian Carnival 18 w

Evian Carnaval 23 24 February 2018


See Evian page for photos from previous years a great event full of music colour and fun. See 2018  Ville d'Evian Facebook page for some great pictures 

Mayor Bened village meeting 21st January 2018.Mayor meeting 21012018

Mayor Bened started by thanking all his staff and volunteers that had helped him during 2017. Amongst this year’s events will be the Ultra Montée Thollon les Mémises (5/5) and the Tour de Chablais bike race would once again have a stage in Thollon. There has been an amalgamation of competencies of Tourist Offices in the Evain /Val d’abondance area and TLM’s office is a now a satellite of this organisation the hope is to better promote the whole area. The water quality in the village has been examined and conforms with national standards. The year ended with a budget reserve of 500K€. The taxe d’habitation is being phased out by central government this brings 930K€ into the villages coffers the mayor hopes this will be recompensed in some way. The restaurant (4m€) has been put back for a year as although the finance has been promised nothing is yet signed and won't be until March which is too late for the tenders necessary for the works. The drainage for the toilets will be sorted at the same time. The Garderie will be moved up top. Orange will move an antenna to improve the phone signal. A toboggan run will be built at the end of Les Lanches. A budget of +\- 1m€ has been allocated for new snow canons up to the pic de borée and down the front. There's a bike route which will be built from St Gingolph to the Mediterranean. All in all quite positive although the loss of tax revenue is potentially worrying. Many thanks to FB for this excellent report it’s good to be able to share what is happening.


January 2018. After the best Christmas and New Year snow on the mountains for a few years, the early part of January was a little disappointing with high winds on the mountain and rain down in the village. However the weekend of the 13/14 January was absolutely brilliant with great snow, blue skies and sunshine. Despite good snow conditions, the high winds experienced across the whole of northern Europe caused the closure of the lift system for the early part of the following week. But snow and more settled conditions have returned and reports from the slopes confirm that the skiing conditions are again very good but with wind at times. It is snowing heavily again today, Saturday 20th January. The forecast is varying for rain/snow over the next few days

slope 5Jan2018w

Early Janauary 2018. The great start to the season has been spoilt by high temperatures and rain. The station staff working hard to move snow around and to keep the slopes open.

December 2017. Heavy snow falls on the mountain and in the village continue. The ski season opens on the 23rd December 2017 see latest news posted on the info Remontees mechaniques Facebook page. We are hearing that there is over metre of snow on the slopes so looking good for the season.

Bernex is also open see updates on the Bernex Facebook page Click here and the Bernex web site Click here 
We now need calmer weather to enjoy the slopes.

stormdec17 1stormdec17 2

CorrineBar Ourson 2018

The Bar L'Ourson made a welcome return when it re-opened on Saturday 9 December 2017. Corinne , the new owner, whom many of you will know from her having supported Jerome in the Choumas for a number of years, promises a slightly different offering in the Ourson. Already giving a great welcome to the Brit's Corinne speaks English and is a great host. Look out for regular music evenings karoke included! Breakfasts, patisserie and a range of snacks and light meals are available. The beer is a Belgian classic, Jupiler and with Grimbergen starting as a Beer Noel, it will change with the seasons. The bar can be found in the raised area next to the Cinema, look for the large "Bar Ourson" sign.

 OursonDec2017.jpg BAROURSONJULY2015 3


December 9 -2017  saw the re-opening of Bar Ourson

Corinne welcomed everyone with complimentary Vin Chaud and Mojitos' and a good time was had by all. There's a new light meal menu on offer including "petit dejeuner", soups, salads. crepes, pizzas and a range of patisserie and coffees There's also a range of beers on draught  including one strongly recommended by a well known Belgian "exile" Jupiler. Grimbergen is also served, Beer Noel to start the season.Best wishes to Corinne for a successful season.Thanks to RG a difficult assignment!

OursonDec20172    teddybar



100 4985 

 December 2018. Heavy snow falls on the mountain and in the village continue.




The Bar Ourson will make a welcome return when it re-opens this coming Saturday 9 December 2017  Corrine , the new owner  ( whom many of you will know from her  having supported Jerome in the Choumas for a number of years) promises a slightly different offering in the Ourson  We understand that breakfasts, patisserie and a range of snacks and light meals will be available. Watch this space for a further report after the official opening this coming weekend



JJ's re-opens as "Cyril's   -   6 December 2017 saw the re-opening of the St Nicholas Bar & Restaurant with a celebration party hosted by the new owner,  Cyril.  Prior to JJ's retirement Cyril was the chef at St Nick's for a number of years. JJ was there to give Cyril his support in his new venture. Cyrils mother, Chantelle and his father,  Henri  and Manon provided front of house service to the many guests who were there to celebrate the opening. would like to wish Cyril and his family every success for the future



The strangely wonderful Wooden village and Characters return to Evian for their annual visit. 15 December to 7th January. Its in the main square entry is free. The village comes alive at sun down when the characters emerge and music plays.

More pictures on the Evian page and details at the le fabuleux village web site


End of an Era!

Saturday 28 October 2017 saw, according to those who were able to be there, the "party to end all parties"
as JJ celebrated his retirement from Le St Nicholas Bar & Restaurant.Starting early in the day and continuing well into the early
(or for some the late) hours of Sunday morning drinks and food were on the house and a great time was had by all would like to take this opportunity to wish JJ a long, healthy and happy retirement. 
We would also like to wish Cyril, who has been the chef at St Nics ,in recent years, every success
as he takes over the ownership and management of business.

We understand the Bar and Restaurant will re-open after a short period of closure , on December 1st.

Thanks to RG for this report.


 Repais Des Aines - 8 October 2017 saw many of the "older generation" gathering in the Salle Polyvalente for their annual lunch - well a bit more than lunch actually! Hosted by Regis Bened, Mayor of Thollon and members of the Centre Communal d'Action Sociale (The Council's social committee), almost 90 of the village's Senior Citizens were entertained over the inevitable glass ( or two) of wine by young members from the Echo Des Memises before enjoying a beautiful lunch prepared and provided by Arnaud and Madeline from Le XV .
Dancing to the accompanyment of Michel on his accordian and the equally inevitable silly games followed before a brief lull in the proceedings around 5.00pm prior to the evening meal, more dancing and even more ( really! ) silly games. Around 11.00pm and after a wonderfully enjoyable day the last of the revelers began to make their way home.



The "British" contingent, through Thollon.Org. would like to thank Regis and his fellow councilors for their hospitality which is, as always, much appreciated.




7-8 October 2017 Changing Retailing Scene- Sadly, for those who know and appreciate the quality and friendly service which the current managers have provided for many years, the Casino Supermarket will close its doors for the final time this weekend. However we understand that the operating activity has been sold and will re-open as a second Sherpa Supermarket prior to the beginning of the winter season.
Nathalie and her husband have been running the Casino for the past 7 years. They are planning to continue to live in Thollon and also to continue to work with the Casino Group in a "locum" capacity for the foreseeable future. Those who know Nathnalie and her husband will wish to join Thollon.Org in wishing them all the very best for the future.


          September 2017 The hunting season has started.

                         Take care in the woods. Perhaps think about a high vis collar or gillet (for the dog!)




Tour du Chablais - Leman-Portes du Soleil 19 August 2017 There was a real buzz around the village as one of the major events in the French racing calendar,the Tour du Chablais "came to town" Following the Prologue in Evian the previous day (and an immense thunder storm in the village overnight!) sunshine and blue skies greeted the 21 teams and the 126 cyclists as they prepared for the 156.3 KM challenge ahead of them. There were teams and young and aspiring professional riders from Switzerland and across France including Aix en Provence:Bourg-en-Bresse:St Etienne:Dijon:and Villefranche en Beaujolais.

At 12.30pm "on the dot" the riders, preceeded by some 30+ motorbike security outriders, sped off through the village to the cheers of a large crowd of locals and visitors lining the route. (Those who anticipated the start would be "Chablais Time" ( always 15 minutes later than advertised !) would have missed what was a truly exciting and colourful spectacle.)

It was some 4 hours later when the leading rider, Maxime Gyot from Velo Club Villefranche Beaujolais crossed the finishing line over 1 minute ahead of the his nearest competitor and nearly 2&1/2 minutes ahead of the peloton.
Presentations followed with all the class winners receiving flowers and kisses ( well it is France after all) and the overall winner being presented with a huge Reblochon cheese by Thollon's Mayor, Regis Bened.
By early evening it was all over and the "caravan" was on it's way to Thonon in readiness for the third and final stage of the Tour - a further 154 kms around Chablais with the finish in Evian later on Sunday afternoon.

Well done to everyone involved in organising the event and our appreciation to our Mayor, Regis, for helping put Thollon on the map once again!  Many Thanks to RG for this report

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A new event in Thollon? Could this be the start of a new music Festival? A talented group (mostly Brits ) set up a rock concert outside St Nicolas on the Sunday 13th August 2017. Great music lovely weather and thanks to the organisers Frank, John and lead singer Gary plus support for a great afternoon. "JJ" comented that they could play the next evening and every week! JJs is closed Mondays....Thanks to JJ and all, and "Roadie" Frank. Lets do it again.

Highlight video on YouTube



JULY 2017 A further indication of the growing links between Evian Resort and Thollon?   6 of our new Telecabine have been "re-branded" with some of the current Evian water adverts. - They look really good

evian tele1evian telec 2

August 5th and 6th 2017 Party in the Village 2 nights of Music and Dance.

Fete 2017ball2017 1

ball-2017 2

Assault des Memises,  The morning of 11 June 2017 saw over 150 runners set off on the Thollon 9km run, some with the aim  to be first to the top of the mountain, others with just survival in mind.  The winner is expected to complete the race in about 50 minutes. The event is one of a series of races with the results contributing to a wider championship throughout the Haute Savoie. Thanls to RG for this report

A deM 1
Village Concert  -  10th June 2017 after a beautiful sunny and warm day, villagers made their way to the summit at Hucel for the annual open air concert by Les Echo des Memises,  Thollon's own orchestra, Under the direction of  "Maestro" Jonathon Smith and against the most amazing backdrop as the sun began to set over the lake, the audience were delighted to be entertained by a diverse musical programme. - a  truly magical performance. Inevitably drinks and nibbles followed with everyone continuing to enjoy the magnificent views over the lake. 

 Yet another successful event in Thollon's early summer calendar. Thanks to RG for this report.



 International Football returns to Thollon. A report on the best football in France, Probably....

football 3

Never mind Real Madrid and Juventus and the Champions League Final - 3rd June 2017 saw a full blown International played out in front of an enthusiastic crowd on Stade Thollon.

Bathed in sunshine, the teams followed the local Memises band onto the pitch. National anthems were played. National flags were waved. After an energetic and professional looking warm up, the French ran quickly to take up their positions on the field. (England were clearly saving themselves for the "main event" as they walked, admittedly with some determination, to their places on the field.)

The representative English eleven (average age probably 50+ ) were taking on a locally based French team ( average age 35ish ? ) The English did themselves proud! The talent and experience of the English was evident throughout the first half, The well organised English team were leading 3 -1 when legs began to "give up" . By half time the score was 3 -3 ( some will say assisted by a slightly loose interpretation of the offside rule!) and a spectacular " in-off" the English keeper.

Strategic use of substitutes and a spectacular 4th goal helped England keep in touch until minutes from the final whistle when France, to the evident joy off their French support, scored again. Final score 5-4 to France.

The Mayor, Regis Bened, presented the Trophies and "our Steph" was awarded "Man of the Match" for his heroics in the English goal.

As if to mark France's success, the heavens opened - as did the umbrellas - and spectators took to the shelter of the Bar ( although some had clearly been there for the duration of the game!)

A great afternoon enjoyed by all Much appreciation to the organisers. Here's to next years match ( perhaps with just one or two younger English players in the squad!?) With Thanks to our Scottish Correspondent

football5football 2


The annual France England football match is on Saturday 3 June 2017 at 16.00 The England team is made of the usual talented BBB bunch of Brit expats and Bognor, Bolton and Brussels imports.

 match de foot

10th May 2017. Do see a great video from Joe, an "Expat Brit" living in Thollon illustrating his experience of the Grand Montée, beautifully filmed it shows that Thollon and the Memises in the off season is still a vibrant town. The video is about 30 mins so sit back and enjoy. It's great quality so see it on a big screen.

You Tube:You Tube Link Click Here

Joe: "It's wet, I am hot and tired, it's good"... "Good people and good fun... fantastic" It's British weather"

Comment: Total madness !(Overweight Editor, who uses the lift and ski's down!)

      Thanks Joe for showing us the way to fitness with great artwork, atmosphere and music.

Did the earth move for you? 6.00pm on the 7th May 2017 a small earthquake (2.1) was felt quite clearly in the village. Maps show the epi centre to have been close to Pic Boret on the mountain behind the village.

Ultra Montee
The inaugural running of the "Ultra Monte" on 6 May 2017  saw some 50 +
serious runners set off on continuous 8 hour ascent and descent of the
Lanche. The winner will be the runner who achieves most return trips
in an 8 hour period!  Not to be outdone, a number of perhaps less
serious but no less enthusiastic runners will  set off at 2 pm with  a
similar 4 hour challenge ahead of them.
Fortunately the weather was fineforf the start of the event -
hopefully it will stay that way for the rest of the day!
ultra1ultra7Ultra4thumbnail 100_4548


26 March 2017 The ski season in its last week with the infamous water slide.

 Great Celebrations by the Bognor Bolton and Brussels Group with a Tweed theme

2017waterslideflyingwhippywtweed day

Changes in local planning regulations - Those of you either with land or planning to purchase land in or around Thollon ( or elsewhere in the Department of Evian) should quickly become familiar with new planning regulations which are being proposed. Simply put, in Thollon, housing development is to be restricted to within a pre-determined "village envelope" which extends approximately from close to the village cemetery and up through to L'Outa Restaurant near the telecabine, It will also encompass areas of land in and around existing built up areas within the village. Within this "envelope" understands there will be a restriction on the type of buildings allowed. Single dwellings are unlikely to be permitted whereas "semi-detached" properties and multiple residencies are likely to be approved.

Outside of the envelope we understand that there will be no further new development permitted although again we understand that appropriate extensions to existing buildings may be allowed.

At a public meeting in the village last night (30 March 2017), the Mayor explained that this is part of wider initiative throughout the region aimed at preserving the ecology and natrural environment for which the Department is recognised. Further information should be available from the Marie in Thollon.

Tour du Chablais comes to Thollon This annual race - a highlight of the regional cycling calendar, is due to come through Thollon on the 18th & 19th of August 2017. The village will obviously be doing it's bit to celebrate the event. Further details should be available nearer the date.




One for your 2017 Calendar? The first weekend in September will see Thollon hosting one of the major events of the Savoie Agricultural calender. The Eleveur des Savoie  Inter Village Cow show is an annual event which each year is hosted by a different village in the Region. This year it's Thollon's turn.

It's a really enjoyable day. Apart from being the Savoie's version of Crufts - only with cows (!) there will be lots of produce stalls and displays - and yes, the inevitable opportunity to eat and drink to your hearts content The photos below from last year's event held in nearby Laringes will give you a flavour of what to expect. Why not make a diary date and plan for a visit to Thollon this September?




2017 Cinema News.  After a winter season that has seen regular showings here in Thollon of the top award nominated films, the English Film Season comes to an end with a further three outstanding films.:- 

THURSDAY 9 MARCH - " JACKIE"    Oscar Nominated for Best Actress , it stars Nathalie Portman and John Hurt  and focuses on Jackie Kennedy's life immediately following the assassination of president JF Kennedy.

MONDAY 13 MARCH -  " MOONLIGHT"   Academy Award Winner of "BEST FILM"  Stars Naomie Harris ( Miss Moneypenny in James Bond)  and Mareshala Ali
THURSDAY 16 March -  " SILENCE"   Highly acclaimed as one of the best films of 2016  Stars Liam Neeson & AdamDriver
If you plan to be in Thollon over this period please come along and support this welcome initiative!  The Cinema will open again at the beginning of the Summer Season when we hope that there will continue to be regular Thursday evening showings , in English, of the top current films 

20th February 2017 The weather is magnificent, blue skies and wall to wall sunshine - the snow is great and ALL runs are open. Absolutely perfect ski conditions! Keep checking conditions! Check out Facebook   infos remontées mécaniques thollon les mémises for regular updates and for what slopes are open pictures and reports and offers


February 2017 The ski season is now on! Lots of activities!

Regular activities include the torch light descent and fireworks. Fondue evenings dancing and music in the Polyvante notices and tickets from the Tourist Office. All welcome.


descent Evian Carnaval2017

Evian Carnaval 2017 great event see pictures of previous years Evian Les Bains

6th February  2017 30cm Fresh Snow has fallen since yesterday morning. Most slopes are now open.

15th January 2017  The annual Mayors Meeting reported that the Restaurant will be totally replaced with a new double aspect restaurant with a Mountain and Lake view, with kindergarden, funding has been agreed. We await dates. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you hear anything further

 14th Janaury 2017 Dance organised by UCAT details at UCAT Thollon  Facebook
The Night of the Accordion 14th January 2017

concer-14012016 concert15012016concert14012106jpg
An evening of dancing, good food and company was enjoyed by all. UCAT organised a fun evening with some great music food and wine. Those Brits that attended enjoyed some unique music not seen or heard before!


14th  January 2017  The snow is here. More slopes are opening. Special rates being offered.

Check out Facebook  infos remontées mécaniques thollon les mémises for regular updates and for what slopes are open pictures and reports and offers.

After an historic poor start across the whole region, with even high resorts suffering, Thollon has both natural snow and with the colder weather artificial snow being produced. The resort has worked hard to provide some sport and the season now starts to fully open.

6th January 2017 The snow has arrived, more due next week.

2nd January 2017 Snow?

  Snow fans! from 2nd January 2017 a change is due. Maybe some snow on the 3rd January and again on 10/11th January. The colder weather is on its way.

Thollon Winter English Film Season 2016/2017  Arrival 5th January 2017

 Regular visitors to the Cine Rex here in Thollon  will know that English films will be shown on Thursday evenings usually at 8.30, this Thursday 5th January 2017 is "Arrival" starring Amy Adams and Forest Whittaker - loads of Golden Globe nominations Best actress. best film, best musical score  and rated by the Guardian as in the top 3 best films of 2016. 8.30pm.

Yeti Sports Hand over to the next generation. Welcome to Emmanuelle, Sylvain et Térence

 Happy retirement to Jocelyne and Jean Jacques

yeti-2016 1Yeti-2016-2yeti-3

27 December 2016
The forecast is for the sun and "good weather" to continue, but snow fans! from 2nd January 2017 a change is due. There is no date for the snow but the colder weather is on its way but exactly when, how much, and at what altitude it's too early to say.

22 December 2016 20h50 Earthquake 3.7!

The night Thollon was shaken


 Last night at 20.50, an earthquake measuring 3.7 magnitude shook Thollon, followed by several aftershocks. Several eye witnesses in Thollon report furniture shaking. However, there is no damage reported, this earthquake was classed as low intensity. There were several people in Saint Nicholas bar (JJ’s) who did not feel anything. This is possibly due to the Pelforth, however, there was a view that it could have been the epicentre, with reports of a certain Brit (who drinks like a fish) dropping his wallet. refute this rumour, scientific findings confirm that the epicentre was near Bernex (Latitude 46.3577°N:Longitude: 6.6609°e). Thanks to Michael for this report.

18 December 2016 Thanks to some great work Thollon opened with a small run from the station round to the return chair lift, Bambi. In common with resorts in the area there is a desperate need for snow. There is some skiing at Avoriaz but only a few runs open at Chatel.


Check out the Facepiste 2 181216book pagespiste181216 at

infos remontées mécaniques thollon les mémises

for pictures and reports.








new steps100 4376

 "Small steps do take time!"   Walkers and those wishing to access the "ski de Fond" trail towards the Pic des Memises will be pleased to see the recent addition of a short flight of steps providing easy access from the toilet level of the telecabine station down to the lower piste -  an initiative that will no doubt be appreciated by many who previously found the short descent  rather treacherous. Thanks to RG for this and photos

St Nicolas
Relooking" - as they say here in France!    Yes it's true. JJ has had a "relooking " ( mini re-furb !) The exterior has been clad in timber  with shiny new copper down pipes - much more of a traditional look. and inside there's a new bar with posh new downlighters and new rustic tables and seating..  All in all a great improvement  which provides a more spacious and comfortable space for a relaxing pre-dinner drink  ( or just a drink and a chat) 
21st December 2016 Christmas Concert in the Church at Thollon at 20h.

Vin Chaud and Chocolat Chaud during the interval, plus a chance to win 4 Bouches de Noël in the draw. 

Plenty of well know Christmas songs with the words up on the screens for the Audience to join in with, no excuses!

A perfect prelude to the Christmas holidays.







12th December 2016     Thollon Winter English Film Season 2016/2017.

The season of English Language films ( with French sub-titles) opens with the recently released "Sully" starring Tom Hanks - the true story of the amazing landing of a passenger plane in the Hudson River!  As usual Tom Hanks is outstanding as the pilot of the airliner.  In my view "very well worth watching"

Regular visitors to the Cine Rex here in Thollon should please note that the film "Sully" will be shown on Tuesday 20 December at 8.30pm  The following week (and then throughoiut the season) , English films will revert to be shown on Thursday evenings)


Les Flotins, Evian Christmas 2016, December 9th to January 8th, Evian.
Flot16-2 Flot16-1 Les Flotin 2015


Do go and see this wonderful wooden village with the live characters entertaining.
Les Flotins 

6th December 2016


It's 5th Birthday, with 33,000 visits, and 10,000 this year its well liked!
Particular thanks to Ron and Adam for helping.


11th November 2016 Armistice Day commemorations - It snowed, the sun shone and Echo des Memises played and the children from the village primary school sang quite beautifully  -  It was a lovely and quite touching service at the War Memorial earlier today  Regis Benaud , The mayor of Thollon, led the service from the steps of the church and afterwards (it's inevitable in France !) everyone retired to the warmth of the Marie for a glass ( or two ) of wine and relaxed conversation. "  




5 first-snow-nov-16 web

November 2016 Winter 2016/17 passes now on sale, for season tickets purchase before 17th December to get the discount.
Go to


 First snow of the 2016/2017 winter  season....   Thollongande awoke  this morning (6 November 2016) to the first snows of the season and by mid-day it was still snowing heavily!  Snow laden skies suggest that there is a lot more to come - Hopefully the  prelude to a good winter ski season!  Thanks to RG for this contribution.

Winter 2016/17 passes now on sale, for season tickets purchase before 17th December to get the discount.

Early October 2016 dusting of snow.


12th October 2016.It was quite a party in the Polyvalente last Sunday when the "oldies" in the village got together for the 2016 "Repas des Aines".This annual event was hosted by the Mayor of Thollon (Regis Bened) and members of the village. We had a lovely lunch and an equally lovely supper provided by the Hotel Bon Sejour. And,no doubt somewhat influenced by the copious amounts of wine that accompanied the meals party games and dancing continued till well into the late evening! A good time was obviously had by all! Appreciation and thanks as always to Regis and his fellow councilors. Thanks to RG for this contribution.


September 2016 New business opening soon. The Tabac, next to the Boulangerie and Casino is to re-open later this month, Refurbishment ( or as they seem to say here "re-looking" is currently in hand . We understand that both a newsagent and cafe are planned

The new cafe is due to open on 29 September - St Michel's day - (which is also the name of the new owner of the cafe) Michelle has just recently moved to Thollon from the France Comte region. She has a background in the hotel and hospitality sector and we understand her new cafe will offer a range of patisserie, coffees, teas etc as well as breakfasts and lunches . would like to wish her success and hope that this new venture will benefit from the support of the English speaking community in the village."


chasse-en-coursHunting Season here in Thollon. The season begins 2nd Sunday in September and runs through to the 3rd Sunday in January. Signs have appeared at various "entry" points to the wooded areas around the village warning visitors/walkers that the hunters may be active- mornings and afternoons - on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays throughout the season (except when there is snow on the ground) Let's hope that it's a short season and that the snow arrives early and stays

Thollon Fete weekend
Saturday, August 6 2016

7.30pm: Aperitif concert  animé par Fa Bémol
8pm Dinner under the big top, and ball free, Disco cert hosted by FA-flat

Great Saturday evening of party and music.


Sunday, August 7 2016
10 pm: Mass under the big top
11.30pm: Concert hosted by the Echo of Mémises.
2.30 pm. Petanque
17 pm: Musical Entertainment Alpen music and the Echo of Mémises
8 pm: Meal under the big top
9 pm : Ball.Free with by Lou Verros.

Day Out for the "Older Generation"- 20 July 2016 saw members of Les Risolets set off for what I was sure would be a "gentle stroll" in the summer sun. It turned out to be an amazing walk through the woods down to Mellerie. After crossing Thollon's Martins Airport (not many people know that there is one!) we continued on and down past rushing streams and waterfalls and, fortified by just the occasional stop for wine, eventually arrived in time for lunch at the fabulous Restaurant du Port. Another great day out and thanks to Nathalie and Kathleen for organising it! Thanks to RG for this contribution
English Film Season - Summer 2016 Our cinema here in Thollon will again show "Version Original" films this summer.
Starting on 21st July and on every Thursday evening at 8.30pm (but check the times on the night!) until the end of the season, an English language film will be shown with French sub-titles. It is also possible this summer, that on Wednesday evenings during the school holidays and at the earlier time of 6.30pm, English language films will be shown which will be selected to appeal to the younger generation .

thollon.Org will let you know each week which films are due to be screened. However you should also look out for the normal cinema schedule at the Tourist office and for the individual posters that will appear from time to time around the village during the season.

Car Boot 10th July 2016
Vide grenier 072016
June 2016 New Playground Opens outside of the Tourist Office
Play 1 web Kids play 2Kids play 3
Summer 2016 The telecabine is open on weekends and Wednesday of May, June and September and daily in July and August from 09:30 to 17:30. The restaurant is also open
June 2016 Car Hire Geneva
Beware new EU law if you are hiring a car in Geneva  this summer and travelling to Thollon. is hearing several reports that changes to the law is giving problems when hiring a car at Geneva airport.

A Swiss-registered hire car cannot be driven across the border to France, Germany, Italy or Austria by an EU citizen

See the Guardian article    and Your Europe Do email with your experience.

5th June 2016 Result Thollon 7 England 5

A great afternoon of football and celebrations, thanks to all those involved.

Great photos and video at the Facebook UCAT site  UCAT
5th June 2016 Not to be missed before the Euro 2016 !!!! organised by UCAT

A friendly football match between Thollon and a "select" English Team on June 5 at 16:00 on the land located at Chef Lieu, in a friendly atmosphere.

L'Echo des Mémises will interpret the two national anthems.

Come and support the team of your choice !!!!

Gentianne Apartments to be sold.

Those of you who know Thollon may be interested to know that the remaining, previously unsold apartments in the Gentianne (the large apartment block in the village centre on the way up to the telecabine) are at last to be sold at auction at 3pm on the 17th of June 2016 at the offices of Advocat Piatta in Thollon and will see the remaining 5 apartments and also the ground floor commercial unit being offered for sale.

The 2 and 3 bed apartments have a bid price of between Euros 68k and Euros 88k with the commercial unit open to offers from Euros 40k.Thanks to RG for this contribution. understands that the auction and purchase process is complex....

Winter Returns to the mountain 19th April 2016
Visit to the Duck Farm April 2016

Members of the Thollon club The "Les Risolets" outside the restaurant and duck farm " La Mere Gaud" on one of their regular social outings. Some 30 locals enjoyed a wonderful 5 course lunch ( anything you want as long as it's duck) washed down with the inevitable glass of wine. Thanks RG for this.

Great sunny Easter 2016 closure weekend of the ski season
The Grand Prix Des Commercants was held, a ski race for teams of 3. There was a good entry from British teams. With let down by a snowboard!
Team Gary the Fish propped up the table, with a contested time, but received a special award.
Congratulations to the winners Garage des Memises

Great evening celebration of tartiflette and dance with the competitors all receiving a reblochon cheese for entering the race.

The famous water slide provided great entertainment, good British attempts!

More Photos and Videos to follow.

Thursday 24 March 2016 sees the continuation of the English Cinema Season with a showing of the amazing "The Revenant" starring Oscar Winning Best Actor Leonardo Dicaprio. With outstanding critical reviews the film tells a true and harrowing story of survival in 1800s Louisana. Surely a "must see" for the English speaking Thollon community.

Thursday 31 March - "London Has Fallen" a dramatic action movie about an attempt to assassinate world leaders attending the funeral of the UK Prime Minister. The film stars Gerald Butler and Morgan Freeman.

As always, if you are here in Thollon , please go along and support the continuation of this initiative established specially for the English community."


19th March great day of celebrations for 60 years of ESF in Thollon.

Congratulations to  Franck and Thollon ESF.

Many more photos on ESF Thollon Facebook
























The afternoon of 16 March saw an enthusiastic group of locals and visitors join together at one of the regular tea dances held during the winter season here in Thollon. With Michelle and his accordion duo supplying the music, some 60+ Tholongarde and visitors (many of them taking a break from the slopes) danced the afternoon away in the village hall. Not only did the wine flow (seemingly obligatory at most Thollon events) but it was accompanied by a huge range of homemade cakes and biscuits Oh yes, and the odd cup of tea! Thanks to RG for this contribution












19th March 60 ans de l'ESF Thollon-les-Mémises Grand Celebration of 60 Years of ESF in Thollon

Torchlight Procession, Music, Grand Tartiflette entarnce 20 euros. Tickets ESF & Tourist Office

esf 60ans

English Film Season - 2016

17 March 2016 Hail, Caesar! at 8.30pm. A gloriously watchable period caper about the golden era of Hollywood, with George Clooney.

10 March - The English Film Season continues this week ( Thursday evening) with a special English Language showing ( French sub-titles) of this year's Oscar Winning best film " SPOTLIGHT". at 8.30pm in Cinema Le Roc in the village. . The cinema Manager, Sylvan" has managed to work wonders with his boss in Paris and has persuaded him to make available this recently released film which topped the Oscars at this year's Awards.

Thursday 25 February will see a showing of "45 years" starring Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay . Described as "powerhouse performances by two outstanding actors in a deeply resonating and thought provoking film" (Sounds very good indeed!)

Thursday 3 March Natalie Portman and Ewan McGregor star in "Jane Got a Gun" An action drama western where Jane asks her ex lover to help save her outlaw husband from a gang out to kill him. ".

Both films will be shown in their original English language version ( with French sub-titles) and start at 8.00pm in Thollon's Cinema Le Roc.

 Thursday 11th February will see a showing of "The Danish Girl" starring Eddie Redmayne to be followed on Thursday 18th February with a second Oscar nominated film, "Carol" starring Cate Blanchett.

 So, if you are visiting Thollon this winter, please come along and continue to support this welcome initiative. Remember - EVERY THURSDAY!

Improved Travel links from Geneva to Thollon See Travel page>

31 January 2016  English Film Season - 2016. The English language film season continued last Thursday (28 January 2016) with a showing of the Oscar nominated Tom Hanks film "Bridge of Spies". Some 40 + clearly enjoyed the film (in English,well American!) with French sub-titles,

For many, this was their first visit to Thollon's Cinema Le Roc. and they were clearly surprised at the quality and comfort of our 197 seat film theatre! Sylvan, the cinema's Manager, has agreed with "Le Chief" in Paris that the English Season will continue through to the end of March with an English language film to be shown every Thursday evening at 8.00pm .

4th February 2016 another Oscar nominated film, "The H8teful Eight", starring Kurt Russell and Samuel L Jackson will be shown.

So, if you are visiting Thollon this winter, please come along and continue to support this welcome initiative. Remember - EVERY THURSDAY AT 8.00pm!

22 January 2016
This week the British Masters were training in Thollon.

Run by Ski Bitz Coach Nigel Greenfield  below ( the Masters worked with ESF Manager Franck Blanc





14th January 2016  Thollon Cinema VERSION ORIGINAL (FRENCH SUBTITLES)

Star Wars 14th January, Bridge of Spies 21st January. Please support to keep English Versions of Films in Thollon



Accordion Concert and food 16th January 2016



8th January 2016 pm
Conditions are changing, some rain,  for whats open and snow conditions go to the Facebook pages below for updates

7th January 2016

More runs open this week but high winds have caused some closures. Good updates on the Facebook pages.
3 January 2016
We have new snow. Still limited runs, but beginners slopes open and the 3 man chair is open for good skiers to use the red run.


28 December 2015
The ski slopes are open but need more snow. Excellent work by the piste maintenance team who are moving snow and using helicopters to deliver snow! Limited runs, but beginners slopes open and the 4 man chair is open for good skiers to use the red run. Great photos and video on the Facebook pages.

20th December 2015 The ski slopes are open but need more snow.

Good regular reports of whats open and snow conditions are on the Facebook pages of
Infos Remontées Mécaniques Thollon les Mémises and OT THOLLON LES MEMISES
Reduced rates as there is only some slopes open 

The sale of the season passes at a reduced rate for early purchase ( see below)   is extended until 31/12/2015.

The on line purchase is working, you pay get a receipt and voucher with a bar code to exchange for your ski pass.

The offer of 3 day passes for Bernex at 10 euros is available again this year for season pass holders. You can buy at any time during the season, just take your season pass to the Thollon lift pass office.

28th November 2015
Bernex Opens this weekend a Google translation below...! details see Bernex Tourist Office
Bernex is wearing since early this week its beautiful coat of snow, that's why we are pleased to announce the opening of the resort this weekend! So enjoy the first snow this Saturday 28 and Sunday, November 29 ski for free when coming on the field.

This early season is also marked by the establishment of a natural ice rink 200m installed under the cover of the Boule d'Oche. Its inauguration will take place this Sunday, November 29, an ice show Club of Annecy will be presented at 14:30.

To know the opening hours and rates of this rink visit our website:

The rink is not the only novelty on the station this year, a small free train will also be circulated for the Christmas holidays and February! This will make the shuttle between the Tourist Office and the slopes every 20 minutes for the greater comfort of our skiers!

Do not forget to stroll among the stalls of the Christmas Fair to be held at the House Bernolande Saturday December 5 from 10 to 18. Come and get your letter to Santa Claus that will be with us in 15h and have your picture taken with him.

The team of the Tourist Office is waiting to give many of "the" in this new season!

Find in our next newsletter the program of events of the Christmas holidays.

21st November 2015 The snow has arrived
Early November 2015................ Almost Summer in Thollon!
It's early November, but the temperature has risen to 17.3 C at 1600m. We had the first snow three weeks ago with temperatures at the ski station close to freezing point. Today I walked from the station to Nordevaux and returned by Col de Cornien and Lajoux. What a fantastic day. It's like summer.

However the arrival of the winter is signposted, with snow guns installed, most slopes are mown and the remedial work on the cable car is almost ready. Some renovations of the Teleski access is still going on but almost ready.

It's just waiting for the big snow dump......... so often the first real snow falls in December. Let's hope for a beautiful start to the winter season this year.  Thanks Christiaan for this contribution.

A spooky night in Thollon!

The mist curled hauntingly round the village this dark October night. Then suddenly all the ghosts from hell appeared taking over the bars and restaurants - soon there didn't seem to be a local in sight! These two were spotted in the Bar L'Ourson - Cyrill and Stephanie clearly must have made their escape earlier! Thanks RG


Winter 2015/16 The season passes are on sale  Full Details

Promotion until 19 December

* Adult: 170 € instead of 215 €
* Teen (from 11 to 16 years): € 135 instead of 175 €
* Child: (from 5 to 10 years old): 100 € instead 145 €

Passes can now be bought on line, would like anyone using this to report how easy or otherwise this is! emai your experience.....
Thollon and Bernex Ski areas open Saturday 19th December 2015 close 28th March 2016

19th December 2015 Chatel Pré-la-Joux area opens and for weekends of the 28th & 29th November and 5th & 6th December 2015

12th to 18th December 2015, Linga / Pré-la-Joux areas and link with Avoriaz open. Avoriaz opens 11th December 2015.

All provided that the weather is favourable.

October 2015      The Yellow Gentian

The Yellow Gentian is a protected plant. Picking in France is subject to rules. The Yellow Gentian has medicinal properties and this is important to many people. A bitter alcoholic liquor is brewed from the roots. In the early days this plant was therefore much in demand and traded. Nowadays there are only a few growers who cultivate the Yellow Gentian


For winter sport enthusiasts, there is another feature that makes this plant interesting. The plant is better at predicting bad winters with extreme snow than the most sensational press! According to locals this plant simply indicates with its own height, the height of the snow cover for the next winter!

There is something special going on with the Gentians. Each year this plant is completely different in size. One year the Gentians are barely 30 cm high and other years the plant is taller than a person

The Gentian this year?

People in the southern French Alps say to me this year the Gentians are very numerous and tall. What about here in Thollon? Unfortunately there are not many plants but the few I saw measured 1,5 meters. Hopefully the prediction of Gentian will be correct this year! These photos were taken on 27 September 2015 in the ski area of Thollon les Mémises. Thanks to Christiaan for this contribution

24 September 2015  OT Thollon Facebook reports: Wonderful time today at Thollon, very beautiful light: it is ideal for the continuation of the shooting at the peak of the memises.
La Chasse est Ouverte Those of you visiting the village  over the next few months should be aware that the hunting season is now in full swing - particularly if you are a dog walker.    Every Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, from now through till 5 January, the hunters are likely to be out and about in the woods surrounding the village. So it's important that you keep your dogs closeby and perhaps also consider kitting out your dog with a high viz collar or jacket. You may even want to do the same yourself  ( the jacket that is but probably not the collar!) .  Thanks to RG for this contribution
September 2015 Ski Slope Update

There are some pictures of the reconstruction of the slope you can find them on my facebook page: balconduleman
The teleski Cornien has not been replaced. Only under the teleski they did some reconstructions.
And from this week (15/9) there are also some works on piste Les Lanches. They are busy equalizing (move big rocks) the first part of the piste from the top.
Thanks to  Christiaan for this contribution


September 2015


As Thollon continues to enjoy wall to wall sunshine and blue skies ( although most of the visitors have now left for the summer and few are here to enjoy it!) the village is preparing for the oncoming winter season.

Although the first fall of snow is probably still about 2 months away, the Lanches looks more like the fairway on a (very steep ) golf course now all the summer grass has been cut in readiness for the winter ski season. (The only white to be seen at the moment are the 100 or so sheep that appear to be doing their bit in helping to prepare the piste!)

Those of you who know the ski slopes in Thollon, may get a bit of a (pleasant ) surprise when you next ski down the 5 km Via Casse. Following a land slide during heavy rain early in the summer, we understand that the piste has been widened and restructured around the area of the "S - bend" sections to improve the overall quality of the run. There has also, we understand, been some structural work to the land under the teleski at the foot of the Via Casse although we are not sure the effect that this will have ( If only the teleski itself had been replaced, I know we would all have been grateful! - Still we can only live in hope!)

Anyway - the sun is out, so it's off to the Lake for a late summer swim! ( Long may it ( the summer) last! (Thanks to RG for this contribution)


Thollon English Film Season August 2015


Thollon English Film Season -- The first of this summer's season of English language films was shown in the village cinema last night ( Thursday 30 July) A small but appreciative audience of some 30+ attended to watch Jurassic World. For many this was their first visit to the local cinema and many were surprised to find a very comfortable, 297 seat cinema theatre right here in the centre of the village!

Continuing the season, the newly released Disney film " The Minions" will be shown at 8.30pm next Thursday ( (6 August) - featuring Sandra Bullock, Geoffery Rush, Jennifer Saunders and Steve Coogan. A comedy animation aimed at both adult and junior audiences, The Minions was the top world wide box office film when it was released in June of this year.

Then the following Thursday. (August 13th) and again at 8.30pm, the new Helen Mirren film (Lady in Gold) will be shown - again in English with French sub titles. Having already seen it I can recommend it as well worth seeing. It's the true story of a young girl who has to flee Austria during the war and who spends much of her later years trying to recover a painting that was stolen by the Nazis from her family in Vienna

Further English language films are scheduled to be shown every Thursday evening at 8.30pm throughout the remainder of the summer.

If the English Language season proves to be a success ( determined by audience support) we can hopefully look forward to further major film releases being shown here in the village.

Please look out for advance notices of future films when you are next in the village and come along and support this welcome initiative if you are able.

Season of English language films in Thollon July 2015

We have arranged with the cinema in Thollon that, provided there is sufficient interest, they will be showing English language films (with French sub-titles) each Thursday evening throughout July and August. When you are here in Thollon please look for the cinema programme notices at the tourist office and around the village and, if you are able, do come along and support this continuing initiative.

The MAYORS SPRING 2015 Meeting Many thanks to RG for this summary.

Reunion Public ( Mayor's meeting ) 7 May 2015 - Highlight summary

Some 100 + residents attended the annual Spring meeting to hear the Mayor, Regis Bened, review the past year and outline his thoughts for the upcoming period. Highlights were:-

1) Population – 750 permanent and 1400 secondary residents

2) Annual income (Taxes) –E 1.47m

3) Expenditure/Activities

- over past 2 years on Ski Domain E10m

- Purchase of New Tourist Office E500k (over 5 years)

- Tourist Office internal work E60k

- New Telecabine E7.49m (under7.5m budget) Funded by 15 year loan (and reported as a positive and successful outcome for the village)

- New drainage system La Joux E258

- Electronic information panel E3.7k p.a rented over 7 years

- Investment in IT for school E120k

- Blades for the snow cats E22k

- Drains and related work (Alpage) E800k paid by proprietors

4) Plans for 2015

– Remedial work on telecabine (June and October)

- Replacement of mains water pipe from La Joux to Chez Les Aires

- New sewage system Ancient Route La Joux ( Au Creux)

- Extension to the cemetery

- Purchase of replacement garbage lorry for commune

- Installation of two defibrillators (funded by Lucienne Vesin)

5) 2014/15 Season

- Difficult due to abnormal weather early on in season

- New cabines less affected by wind (but closures caused by high winds on top of mountain)

- Total passenger numbers and income less than 2013 but still 20% up on 2012 season

- Increased promotional activity (local, national,international)

- Trial of new coach to Evian appears to have been a success

- Internal mini navette well used between village and La Joux

- Gendarme presence helped minimize parking issues

6) Forward thinking

- Priority is seen as the redevelopment of the mountain restaurant (poss 2017?)

- Proper/professional development of mountain biking trails to create a substantial summer activity

- Reintroduction of fish to the mountain lake(primarily for visitors!)

- Telecabine opening hours 9.00 – 17.45 continuously on opening days

- -Low level childern's ski area to be considere/explored

- -New children's play area to be developed close to the Tourist Office

7) Additional discussion - The Mayor stressed the importance of "looking after" visitors and guests to the village and asked that the commercial businesses take this fully on board eg by providing services throughout the tourist seasons ( and not closing early!); by coordinating opening hours to avoid all restaurants being closed on the same day.)


The mayor's Spring Meeting - Those of you visiting the village for the May Bank holiday week may be interested to know that The mayor, Regis Bened , will be addressing a public meeting on 7 May 2015 at 8.30pm in the village cinema. The agenda includes

* A review of the recent winter season

* Public works planned for 2015

* Activities scheduled for the ski area

There will also be an opportunity for questions. hopes to be able to report on the meeting later in the month Thanks RG for this.


24th April 2015: Defibrillators available in the village - Two automatic defibrillators have been purchased by Thollon Council. One will be sited outside the Tourist Office and the other outside the Town Hall ( Marie).



At a special presentation in the Polyvalente last night, the new , potentially life saving machines, were introduced and their operation explained to a large group of village residents.

The machines are fully automatic and require absolutely no previous experience or specialist training. Simple graphics show you exactly what you need to do Supplementary basic verbal instructions are given in French and it is hoped that simple and straightforward instructions will also be available in English.

Perhaps, when you are next in the village, you may wish to "check out" the machine nearest to you and familiarise yourself with it's use? welcome this initiative by the Mayor and the Council - but hope that they will never have to be used "in anger" Thanks to RG












April 2015: Flash news! Telecabine opens early for the 2015 Summer Season - The telecabine will be running :-

May: 1,2,3, 8,9,10, 14,15,16,17, 23,24 30, 31

June Each Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday

July/August Every Day

September Each Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday

The cost this summer will be:-

1) If you bought a winter season pass for the 2015/15 season Adult 50 Euros for the summer season

2) Normal season ticket price 75 Euros

3) Day return 10 Euros (over 70 5 Euros) Thanks to RG for passing this on.



6th April 2015


The last day of the season has been ABSOLUTELY fabulous! Probably 1 ft of snow Saturday and Saturday night meant that the snow was as good (if not better) than it has been all season - wall to wall sunshine and blue skies without a cloud in sight-and not a breath of wind. Began with the 'Commercial's' slalmon race, won by the Bellvue hotel (with three ski instructors representing the team!) Meda ski were a wee bit behind as a 'wandering skier' crossed Gerard's path on his first run and then he fell on his re-run> Second place went to the Carrosserie from Beunaz. Then the water jump. The day finished with a concert at the telecabine arrivals area by a choir and orchestra from Bromley in Kent. What a wonderful day! Thanks to RG for this report.






27th March 2015...Easter Celebrations  start early at Bar Ourson! Great t shirts!




February 2015 Shrove Tuesday in Thollon lots of costumes and madness! Bar Ourson.



Theory of_Everything



Cinema February 2015 English language Films  in Thollon -  Building on recent practice of showing English language films at the cinema in Thollon,The Theory of Everything was shown  during the UK mid term holidays on Thursday 19 February. (This is the original English language version (with French sub-titles) Watch out for more films.





                          Taken 3 will  was shown on the 24th February 2015

 Thosetaken3w of you who have seen Taken and Taken 2 will know what to expect - a great film! 

As with previous showings of English language films, if you are in Thollon during this week, please go along and support this initiative - and perhaps encourage the cinema management team to make this a regular event!







There will be a Fondue Night in the Salle Polyvalente (Community Hall) on Wed. 18th Feb 2015 at 7pm,, organised by the Thollon Band (the Echo Des Mémises) in conjunction with the Ecole du Ski Français. It starts directly after the weekly 'descente au flambeau' by the Ski Instructors, which you can watch from the bottom of the piste only 2 minutes from the Salle.

On this occasion the Band will be entertaining in addition to Mickael and his accordion, so it promises to be a great evening to try some traditional savoyard food with live music entertainment.


fonduebandwWe welcome our British friends and skiers Tickets are available from:

• The Thollon Tourist Office (in the centre of the main car park at the station)

• The Ecole du Ski Français (office up on the hill just before the télécabine)

• The Post Office (down in the main village 'chef lieu' near the church)

Adult : 17 euros   Child : 12 euros  (Cheese Fondue, Salad, Dessert)

A bar service will be available during the evening. Come along and share a night of great food, rousing music and conviviality!

Jonathan SMITH (Band Director)


26th January 2015 reports of some good skiing!


17th January 2015: After a disapointing start to the season more snow has arrived. Web cam now working.


December 2014: I understand from the Tourist Office that, whilst the ski slopes on the Memises have a good covering of snow at the moment - 22 cms on the 21st November) no one can see it - at least not by looking at the web cam! Unfortunately the web cam system has broken down and is being sent away for repair - and this after only 3 years of operation (typical - just outside of the guarantee period!) Thanks to RG for this news.











Good news - the annual season ticket is being held at 160 Euros for adults if purchased before 20 December ( see attached advertisement) Many thanks to RG for this update









New arrival in Thollon - Those of you who have enjoyed a meal at "Le XV" will be pleased to know that Arnoud and Madeline are now the very proud parents of little Nino. Born on the 5th of November ( just a little earlier than expected (!)) the handsome little chap weighed in at 2.6 kilos. Now a bouncing 3 kilos- perhaps another rugby player in the making(?) - both mother and baby are fine! "


6 November 2014


As the first snows of winter return to cloak the Memises and the Lanches ski run  down to the village so does the" Bois des Montagne" -  the gift shop that proved so  popular  with visitors during last year's ski season. Operating from temporary premises close to the Boulongerie during the summer, the "Bois" has returned to the Ski Station and will operate out of a purpose built unit adjacent to the new Tourist Office. Thanks to RG for this report


Disabled access to the mountain.
Work is underway on the new disabled access lift, adjacent to the Yeti sports shop. This will allow visitors, who find the existing stairs perhaps difficult or even impossible,  to access the telecabine and and the top of the Memises.    It is anticipated that the new lift will be in operation for this years ski season.
Relocation of the Tourist Office
Work is now well in hand preparing the building, which previously housed the Sli Bar, in readiness for the relocation of the Tourist Office prior to the beginning of this years winter season.  We  understand that the Thollon Ski Club will also have their base in this newly redeveloped  facility.  


October 2014 Repas des Anciens

The annual Repas des Anciens took place this year in the Bon Sejour Hotel here in the village.Some 80 or so residents attended what we anticipated would be a nice, sedate lunch for the "old folk" of Thollon - you know the sort of thing - a glass of wine and a bowl of onion soup..........

             Well that's what was indicated on the invitation!        repas-des-anciens-2014-160

Everyone assembled at around 11.30am on Sunday 5 October and were entertained by members of Les Echo Des Memises whilst lunch was served.  Regis Bened, the Mayor of Thollon, welcomed everyone  (including the only two British elderly residents(!) )   After a couple of glasses of wine ( well perhaps just a few more!)  the dancing commenced accompanied by Michael on his accordion By 5.00pm we felt it was probably time to leave for home but, before we could,  we were reminded that onion soup was to be served at 7.00pm!  So the dancing and the party continued!  The onion soup turned out to be just part of a wonderful four course supper  which was followed by more dancing and also the occasional party game. Carmen Miranda and her friends made a memorable appearance during the evening before the festivities eventually came to an end around 11.00pm! .

 Our appreciation goes to everyone who worked so hard  to make this event the undoubted success that it was. (We're looking forward to repeating the experience next year!) Meanwhile we're off to the Fete des Pommes next weekend .   It's a busy life here in Thollon - even in the "close season"  Thanks to RG for this report


22 June 2014  Star Wars arrives in Thollon 

Over 300 musicians from all over the Chablais region  attended the Festival of Music here in Thollon. It was a beautiful sunny day and the local villagers had "gone to town" to welcome all the competitors.  Each of the bands marched down through the village prior to being judged outside the Marie. And then there were concerts throughout the day in the church and in the huge Marquee that had been erected on the fields outside the village school.

Refreshments "flowed" throughout the day and a good time was clearly had by all!   Contributed by RG



Thollon hosts the Chablais Festival of Music


One of the major events of the Chablais calendar takes place this year in Thollon over the weekend of 21 & 22nd June.
2014 is Thollon's opportunity to host this major event when hundereds of Musicians from all round the region will arrive in Thollon to celebrate the annual Chablais Festival of Music. There will be a series of concerts and we understand numerous street musicians performing at various locations around the village. And to round off the event, a Dance is scheduled for the Sunday evening .
Sounds like it's going to be a great weekend. Why not plan your next visit to take in The Chablais Music Festival of 2014?

Thanks to RG for this contribution


Ascent of the Memises


June 1st sees the first of the summer events in the village with the 25th Ascent of the Memises.  Some 100 or so runners are expected to take on this annual challenge which will start around 9.00am close to the new telecabine.  The runners will climb some 700 meters and cover a distance of 9kms to finish at  the top of the telecabine. Rumour has it that it is not too late to enter!

Thanks to RG for this contribution.


Mayoral Election March 2014
This week saw the elections of the new "mayoral" team in the village.   Standing unopposed,  Regis Bened, (who has been Mayor in Thollon for the past six years) and his team were elected as the Ensemble for Thollon. in the Elections Municipales et Communitaires 2014. I understand this is for a term of 6 years. 
There was a good turnout for the election with some 76 % of the 605 residents electorate voting. 
At the subsequent meeting of the new council Regis Bened was re-elected as Mayor.  Other members of the council are:-
Stephane Houdry  aged 29 Employee of CGN and a Ski Monitor here in Thollon
Christophe Charles  aged 43 Agent Methode 
Lydia Vesin aged 32 Parfumerie manager 
Josiane Demiaux aged 62 Retired
Julien Jacquier . Menusier and also a ski Monitor
Nathan Loisel aged 20 Student engineer and Ski Monitor
Nicolas Labeyrie  aged 43, a galvanoplaste
Stephane Roch aged 36, an Assistant manager
Jeremie Ducret aged 30 Ouvrier SAEME
Cenis Blanc aged 59 Chauffagiste
Corinne Leroy aged 53 Artisan Photographe
Alain Burnichon aged 67 Retired
Agnes Vesin aged 47 Energeticienne
Eric Bock aged 47 Commercant  
In their manifesto, the new team have indicated that their priorities for the next term ( 5/6 years) are:-
* Modernisation of the Town Hall
* Refurbishment/restructuring of the Tourist Office;the "Garderie"; the base for the Ski Club; Public toilets
* Further refurbishment and repair to the church
* Further support to the school
* Extension to the cemetery
* Improvement to the parking and pedestrian ares in the village
* Improvement to the appearance and entry to the village
* Continuation of the initiative to develop and improve communications through public meetings
* Continued development and management of the skiing area
* Modernisation of the ski equipment
* Complete restructuring of the restaurant at the top of the telecabine
* Further development of the activities related to tourism
* Developing the attractiveness of the village from a tourist perspective
* Further development and promotion of the village ( internet etc) 
I would imagine that this list is indicative rather than a comprehensive list of the projects and activities which the Mayor and his team have in mind. would like to wish the Mayor and his new team every success in their endeavours.

We would also suggest that if readers have any suggestions or items that they would like the Mayor and the council to consider, that they write directly to the Mayor at the Marie Thollon whom I am sure will appreciate thoughts and input from the "ex pat" community.     Many thanks to our Political Correspondent RG for this contribution.


14th February 2014

Cinema News!  For the first time ever we believe, the cinema in Thollon - Cine Roc - is showing an English language film! ( VOST -  Version Original with French Subtitles)

The film chosen for this "experiment" is Philomena starring Judy Dench. If you haven't already  seen it,  it is well worth taking this opportunity of doing so. (And even if you have, you may wish to see it again just to encourage the operators to show further VOST films in the future)

Philomena is showing this evening (14 February at 8,30pm) and again on Monday 17 February at 6.00pm)"    



28/12/13 Latest news from the ESF ski school! contribution by Michael

New this year, there will be two new competition weeks. arrival-esfThe ski school are offering the chance for children to take part in competitions. It is very difficult for English skiers to have the opportunity to experience the competitive element of skiing. The ski school have recognised this and are trying to bridge the gap, as there are a number of children from all nationalities advancing at a very quick pace!This is a great opportunity and will be fun!

Skiers need to be advanced and have their gold badge, so this will mainly be for children age 12 and up.
Hopefully this will have a good response and you never know, we may see an English skier for Thollon Les Memise appearing on Ski Sunday!This will be taking place the last week in February and the first week in March, contact the ski school for more information!!

Contact Christine at:-
ESF - Thollon
Tél : 0033 (0)4 50 70 91 71
Fax : 0033 (0)4 50 70 91 38
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Christmas week so far at Thollon! Contribution from Michael

It has been a great week so far!

The new lift opened on the 20th December 2013 and has been a great success. They have had a few technical issues with stopping and running slightly slow at times, however this is expected being new. Saying this the new system is fantastic and gets people up the mountain quickly offering improved 360 view that is spectacular!

The village is buzzing, and with all the new restaurants and bars offering different atmospheres and cuisines, as well as the normal great places, going strong. The village is really doing well! Father Christmas even visited Christmas Eve arriving by 'reinhorse' and cart, and gave sweets to all the children by the tourist office! 

As for snow! There was enough to start the season well, up until Christmas day when the resort shut due to lack of snow, however Christmas Day Eve Father Christmas delivered the main present 24 hours later with a great dump of snow. At points off piste, waist height powder. The following day the 27th we had beautiful sunshine and a lot of people up on the slopes! Today has been overcast with very good skiing conditions and more snow forecast in the next 24 hours!!

Most runs and lifts are running well, the long 5km out the back of the resort is closed at present and the front black Lanches down to the village is also closed. Hopefully with more snow due, these may open for new year week?!?

oldnew       The Old Meets the New.....

 24th December 2013

The ski resort is open and the new telecabine is so good. We need some more snow but it is forecast in the next few days.

December 2013


21st November 2013 "The arrival of winter"


The winter season has well and truly arrived here in the village. The first real dump of snow with 22 cms lying in the village and still snowing this morning -Thursday 21 November  Hopefully this will produce a wonderful base up on the slopes in preparation for what looks like could be a great ski season . Thanks to RG for contribution.

17th November 2013

New Restaurant to open in Thollon! More positive news for the village - A brand new restaurant, "Le XV" , will be opening in the village at the beginning of the Ski Season. (Somehow I suspect a rugby theme!) 
 On the site of the Marmot, Madaleine and Arnaud plan to open" Le XV" early in December. Madeleine has lived in Samoens since a child and her partner, Arnaud who is the Chef, is originally from Millau ( of the Millau bridge fame). They both speak English and have now moved to the village and will be living in the apartment attached to the restaurant. Currently they are working hard to refurbish and prepare the new restaurant ready for the opening.

Their intention is to offer something different in the village. Whilst there will still be the traditional Savoyarde dishes (Tartiflette, fondue etc) they plan to change the menu regularly and include a range of varied home made alternatives (including curry's!) As Madaleine said when I spoke with her earlier, changing the menu frequently will be more interesting for our customers as well as for ourselves.
 I'm sure Thollon regulars will want to join in welcoming Madaleine and Arnaud to the village and in wishing them success in their new venture. 
Thanks to RG for this update.

13th November 2013
The new telecabines have arrived. Photo from RG

Update 11th November 2013

Armistice Day - Following the first main snowfall of the winter, it was a beautiful bright, sunny morning when some 100 or so villagers assembled outside the Church here in Thollon to commemorate the cessation of the First World War 95 years ago. The Mayor, Regis Benaud, led the short service from the steps of the church and floral tributes were laid beneath the war memorials at either side of the entrance and also at the memorial to Msr Thomasin close to the boulangerie. The village band, the Echo Des Memises accompanied the remembrance service and gave enthusiastic and emotional rendition of 'Les Marseillaise'.

Property sales on the up. Perhaps in anticipation of the opening of the new Telecabine on 21 December,sales of apartments in the village appear to be bouyant. For example, of the 36 apartments in Thollon Immobilier's shortly to be completed chalet block" Le Slalom", some 29 have already been sold ( it appears mainly to French and other mainland European families although it is understood that three UK families have also purchased apartments in the block. And, as an indication of confidence in the future of the village, work is well underway on Thollon Immobilier's next development (adjacent to the L'Ors Blanc) with the build already at first floor stage already 10 of the apartments in the current building project have been sold "off plan" for planned occupation in the early summer 2014 Thanks to RG for this contribution.

12th October 2013
You wait for ages then 68 arrive at once! Telecabine sale.....

telecabine-sale Thanks to RG

All 68 cabines were sold this morning at the auction in the polyvalante. Prices ranged from 980 to 1050 Euros per cabine - Averaging 1000 Euros! Even the cabine sanitaire went for 520 Euros!

The Polyvalante was packed ready for the sale at 10.30am with French and International potential buyers. There was also considerable telephone interest. A group of 30 and then a further group of 18 cabines were sold to the telephone buyers. A buyer from Norway bought 5. - the remainder, in one's and two's were bought mainly by local buyers from Thollon.

The Marie have retained 5 for use in the village.

The Mayor, Regis Benaud, confirmed that the new telecabine will open on 21 December.

Excellent Pictures of the work on the new telecabine can be found on the OT Thollon Les Memises Facebook page.

tele-arrivee-wSeptember 2013 Thanks to RG for this photo.

July 2013 There are pictures of the old telecabine being removed and also the new bikes for hire. Go to Facebook and look at the official OT Thollon Les Memises Facebook page.

Not only are Thollon investing in a new telecabine this year but there will also be another new form of transport in the village. Today the Tourist Office take delivery of a range of smart new electric bicycles which will be available for rental from the tourist office this summer. A new cycle rack ( in wood and very traditional) has been built outside the tourist office to display the bikes so now there's really no excuse for not " getting on your bike!" From RG. Thanks for the contribution.

Thollon Public Meeting – 16 April 2013

Summary of main points arising

Some 100 plus residents attended the meeting in the Cinema Le Roc addressed by the Mayor of Thollon, Regis Bened.
Regis began by welcoming all - (French, English, residents and second home owners) He saw this, his third such meeting, as an opportunity to give clear factual information and to dispel some of the rumours that seemed to be around the village at the present time.
Review of 2012
The winter season has been an excellent one. 30% uplift in traffic. 118,000 passengers including 7278 walkers’ and 2866 family tickets being sold. With income up 10% to Euros 1.26mil. There had been 48 injurys to skiers/boarders including two serious injuries. Lanches has been reclassified a Black run.
It was clarified that the cost of running the lifts and running the mountain services was approx Euros 3270 per day (hence breakeven ) Over the past 5 years profit has increased by Euros 300k through better management and reducing costs which in turn has allowed SEREM to provide new staff outfits and purchase new ski- doos and other equipment. Ticket prices have remained largely unchanged since 2008 and I understand are planned to do so for the 2013/2014 season.
New Telesiege. Completed in time for the 2012 ski season at a cost of Euro 2.5 ml. (Euro 1ml funded by Thollon and Euro 1.5ml by loan (250k 1 year; 500k 2 year; 250k 15 year; 500k 15year) confirmed as all low impact on Thollon budget. (I understand the same company has been engaged to build the new Telecabine)
Cinema. New projection equipment cost Euro 55k. Commercial company contracted for 9 years to run it.
Water & cabling project Le Hucel/Maravant. Substantial work completed. Aim will be to do a similar major project every year.
Painting of interior of church
Work by commune staff including:-
*La Joux apartment. Renovated for use by commune workers/snow clearing team etc.
*Polyvalente. Joinery work, cupboards
*Benches and flower tubs around the village
*Winter village ( outside tourist office)
*Construction of the new Telesiege chalets
*Notice panel at tennis courts
Future plans
Replacement Telecabine
Consultation/plans on display at Marie (29 April – 31 May) ( Also consultation with La Schuss residents re specific impacts/ structural/safety requirements, guide guards/flexiglass screens etc).
Work planned to commence end July for completion winter 2013 season ( No operation during summer 2013)
CNA engaged to undertake work.( Master of Works Msr Mouget in attendance and addressed meeting)
All pre environmental studies completed 2011 at cost of Euro 26k
Present telecabine installed 1976. At end of life although 120k passengers in 2012 with no incidents/breakdowns
Important to complete in 2013 to ensure Pay D Evian support (new voting rules in 2014 could impact). (No funding support from Haute Savoie Dept)
Project largely being funded by Thollon to extent of Euro 4ml loan repayable at c 400k p.a over 15/20 years. (Comprises 1/3 of village total budget but less than 600k p.a. outlay on present telecabine!) Partners will be Thollon: the Bank and SEREM - SEREM will manage the operation , employ the staff etc The Marie (Thollon) will manage the investment.
Additional infrastructure costs (buildings etc) will cost Euros 800k to be paid over 15 years with work largely being undertaken by commune staff.
New Cabins – POMA Diamond cabs, 28 x 10 place cabins ( 8 sitting, 2 standing) skis etc all inside) as per Alp D’Heuz. Off season and at night 12 cabins will be stored in the departure area and 12 in the arrivals station ( with 4 in a separate storeage area next to the departure station. (None left suspended overnight). Easy level access to cabins.
13 pillars ( 6 less but same positions as present).
Two main challenges - Gradient of final approach to upper station (87 degrees – steepest in Europe) and narrow exit between Schuss apartments
Capacity of 1500 passengers per hour: 4.5 minutes journey time. 6 metres per second (fast!) 40% increased capacity over present telecabine.
Departure building – top level to be removed and replaced with open plan arrival/departure area. Current ground level ( ticket office, toilets, Yeti ski shop and ESF offices to remain. New external lift to be installed and new access ‘4 lane’ staircase ( I exit lane . 1 entry lane for single passengers and two entry lanes for groups – to allow full cabin use)
Arrivals building at top of mountain- Complete reconfiguration of arrivals area with ski in/ski out capability. Incorporating new toilets beneath arrivals area and also the motors to drive the telecabine. ( Much quieter in the village?) Existing restaurant (recognised as old and ugly ) to remain for time being until phase 2 (not time defined at meeting) when something “fresh and new” will replace it. (Regis said that this will reflect his “fresh and new approach!)
Electricity consumption and running costs will be similar to present.
New telecabine is envisaged to generate 20% more income for Thollon as a whole ( businesses etc)
No change in ticket pricing is envisaged.
Additional plans for 2013
Tourist Office. Plans to acquire the building that used to house the Sli Bar in order to re-site and provide additional much needed space for the tourist Office. T/O on the ground floor (1000 meters available space) with upper area available for renting . Interest rates at 3% make this an attractive proposition. Building has been on the market for two years. Cost would be Euros 450k and could be re-paid at 45k per annum. Seen as being a high visibility site for the tourist office at entrance of station. This will allow for:-
-incorporation of new kindergarten (to be moved to accommodate new telecabine?)
-better parking for visitors
-re-siting of and improvements to the play area
- improved access to Doctors surgery without need to use main car park particularly in congested, peak season periods.
-new poubelles in centre of Station and turning point for local school buses etc ( on current T.O site)
Cemetery 11 new plots to be created and two additional pieces of land adjacent to be purchased (Euros 65 per sq meter)
New water system in La Joux
Other Projects intended
Mountain bikes. Question over whether to be “family” or “Jackass” friendly! ( but no immediate timeline indicated.)
A Euro 1,5 mil project to upgrade/refurb the town hall – “Needs doing but can wait”
Village school – current 3 classrooms to be increased this year to 4 to improve facility for local children
Other issues discussed
Dog fouling – owners to be encouraged to take responsibility
Snow Clearing – commune workers will continue to do best but if an early morning requirement envisaged make contact with Marie and they will do best to help
Tractor/digger - stolen 3 years ago and discovered in Poland! To be returned to Thollon!
Many thanks to RG for this contribution, if you know of any errors in translation do let know.

April 2013

20 April 8.30am at the Marie. Annual village "clean up" Anyone who is in the village on this date would no doubt be very welcome to help with the clean up.

16 April Public meeting in the Cinema Rocl witth Regis Bened ( Mayor of Thollon).

Review of activities during2012/2013 winter

- Programme and timetable for new telecabine

- General questions and issue for comment

Many thanks to RG for this contribution.

January 2013

At the Mayors presentation in January 2013 learnt that the commune will shortly go out to tender for a new 8 person "walk in" bubble, to replace the existing lift. There is to be discussion regarding the possibility of a new panoramic restaurant area at the top with views over the mountain and back towards the lake. The good news is that the tender process and contract award should allow as discussed earlier (see report below April 2012) building in 2013. The resort is to continue to be family friendly and priced sensibly.

The cinema will reopen in February with a new digital projector and will be run by a professional company. There will be further meetings in February and April to update everyone.

Early January 2013


The season is well and truly underway with lots of visitors enjoying the early season snow over Christmas and the New Year period.

An unseasonally mild spell over the past week has seen most of the snow in the village disappear but with rain at a lower level earlier in the week which fell as snow on the top of the Memises there is a good covering on all the slopes. Now that the temperature has dropped again and the sun and blue skies have returned all looks set for a good spell of skiing in the weeks ahead.

The new 4 place chair lift, installed just in time for the opening of the slopes in December, is working well and is a significant improvement on the old chair lift that it replaces. Positioning the start position close to the bottom of the nursery slope has opened up the area significantly and the installation of an automatic gated access system and a 'magic' moving carpet is ensuring easy access to the very top of the slopes. Seems like an investment that was well made.

Thanks RG

Autumn 2012
The lift work is progressing.
Our European correspondent has found this link with lots of pictures of the lift work. Scroll down to see the pictures.
Click for pictures of new lift

Thanks FB
June 2012 Summer Lift Opening Times & date for Thollon Summer Fete

In June: the weekends 9th-10th, 16th-17th, 23th-24th from 10h to 12h45 and from 13h45 to 17h30 as well as Wednesdays 13th, 20th and 27th from 13h30 to17h
From the 30th June to 13th July and from the 20th August every day from 9h30 to 12h45 and from13h45 to 17h30
From the14th July to 19th August : everyday non stop from 9h30 to 17h30
In September : the weekends of 1st-2nd, 8th-9th et 15th-16th from 10h to 12h45 and from 13h45 to 17h30

Thanks to FB for contribution

Thollon Summer fete: 4th & 5th August 2012, details to follow.

May 2012 New Doctor arrives in Thollon.

Docteur Yen Albrieux-Nguyen. Her qualification is "Diplomee de la Faculte de Paris-Bichat" and as such she is a Medecin Generaliste ( We'd probably say 'GP')

We understand she does speak English.
Address: Cabinet Medical Thollon Station aux Sapins 74500 Thollon Les Mmeises

We are pleased to welcome our new lady doctor ( Doctor Albrieux )who has set up practice in the surgery vacated by Dr Larsimmon last year.
The surgery is in the chalet half way along the large car park just down from the Sherpa, lake side.
Surgery hours are:-

Consultations by appointment; mornings Monday to Saturday
Consultations without an appointment: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 14.00 to 16.00 hrs
Closed; Wednesday afternoons and Sundays.

Telephone 0450 81 94 53
Thanks to RG for the contribution.
Saturday 14th April 2012 Spic and span!

This morning a small group of enthusiastic volunteers gathered outside the Marie for the annual village 'clean up'. Equipped with sacks and 'litter 'picker upperers' we descended on the village to clear up all the litter left behind by the winter visitors and exposed now that the snows have gone. Several groaning sackfuls were deposited in the bins around the village then it was back to the Marie for Kir Royals, cheese, cold meats and a chat about the variety of things that we had found - lots of evidence that the French (and no doubt the English too) are heavy and not very considerate smokers!; numerous redundant ski passes; sweety papers; paper/polythene bags and the inevitable beer and soft drink cans. We are a messy lot!Anyway, the village has now returned to it's pristine condition and looking forward to welcoming the Spring. And the Alpine flowers are beginning to appear on the pastures so here's to a long hot summer!

The clean up we understand happens at about the same time each year.

So if you are here in the early spring of 2013. look out for the notices around the village and perhaps come along and lend a hand?

Contributed by RG

Thollon Mayors Meeting 5th April 2012 was fortunate to have a representative at the Thollon Mayors Meeting on the 5th April 2012, so with apologies for any minor linguistic misunderstandings this is a summary. Any corrections please do email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The meeting was very well attended with only standing room at the back, it was chaired by Mayor Bened who did a good job, and seemed very competent, he obviously cares about the future of the village.

He first summarised the work that had been done in the last year i.e. to the roads, the church roof, the dry networks (reseau sec) which apparently is the drains and some cabling.

The village also now has a Doctor which is good news.

This year there'll be a new playground in the Chef Lieu and the commune is going to pay for the digitalisation of the cinema (80K). The Office de tourisme will be rebuilt.

Due to the lack of snow the 2011/2012 season started very slowly, but because of the good weather in Feb the total takings for the season were up 15% on the previous season at €1.148.000.

There were 878 season tickets sold and a total of 106.000 people went up the lifts compared to 99.000 the previous season.

The Office de tourisme was quite active and a new brochure (8000 copies) was printed. The village was also present at the 'Salons de tourisme' in Nantes, Lille and Lyon. There had also been some positive press reviews in France and Switzerland.

Next season's start is foreseen to be 22/12/12.

The new ski installations were discussed at some length. This year the new chair will be constructed (from May 1st) this will be moved so it runs up the left side of the main piste and there will no longer be the possibility to get off at half way. Unfortunately it will not be a clutch type chair which is apparently too expensive but nonetheless it'll be a 4 seater and will reduce queues at this lift. This will cost approx. €2.5m. The work will be finished in October.

The main lift to and from the village will be replaced in 2013. Yearly maintenance and inspections are getting exceptionally expensive and the replacement is now unavoidable. There was some discussion as to where the lift should start from, many wanted it to start from the same level as the car park but apparently this would mean the village would have to buy quite a lot of land which according to the Mayor was prohibitive, it seems it'll start from the same place. The study of the; type, situation and environmental considerations, as required by French law is not yet finished but it’s thought that it would be a 6 seat 10 standing type lift which would also increase the uphill capacity by a large amount.  The access will also be made easier for handicapped persons. (this is now a legal requirement).

The departure building would be rebuilt but the top station i.e. the restaurant was not, as yet, to be changed although according to the Mayor this was under consideration for the future. The total costs for this lift would be around €7m. The funding for both lifts was in the part from the Community of Communes (CdC) around €3m and these rest would be from loans. One good point was that the CdC required that the lift be open more often in the non ski period so that it would attract more tourists to the whole area, from what I understood this had been agreed.

On the whole 'très positive'.

This is a personal recollection so please, if you know different advise